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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

INTERN programme - restart

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2024-01-17
Deadline:- 607 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 607 Days Ago

Task Details :-

HI Daniel,


as we discussed on skype after your suggestion, please come up with a plan for an INTERN programme. have a meeting with other managers to discuss and plan this.

Submit your plan to me when done within teh deadline


you know, almost 5k business graduate get pass every year in sylhet zone and all of them need to do the internship under any company as their course material .

maximum students do their intern from different bank in very low amount, like 2/3k per month

9:39 AM
ah i see what you mean.. yes we have run a programme like this in teh past.

Daniel, 9:40 AM

ah i see what you mean.. yes we have run a programme like this in teh past.
Staff India, Today at 9:39 AM
I see, but I think it must be profitable

as the number of students are increasing

And 3 months course is mandatory for them

9:41 AM
so it would be 3 month placement only right?

Daniel, 9:41 AM
these students are more smart and tech

so it would be 3 month placement only right?
Staff India, Today at 9:41 AM
yes, we should continue this program

9:42 AM
ok this is good you are thinking of this... maybe we can restart this programme we did in teh past under your supervision

Daniel, 9:42 AM
the main prob;em with the less educated people will be like the following( from my personal experience)  :

they are rude and less like to follow roles

The won't love to change themselves

9:43 AM
i suggest you haev a meeting with other managers and discuss this topic for INTERNS and brainstorm the best way to execute this. although we have an old plan an new meeting might bring new and better ideas for execution.

Daniel, 9:44 AM
sure boss

9:44 AM
add this to your to do list, compose a plan for INTERN PROGRAMME. with meeting with other managers, and email the plan to me.
then i will compare with what we did in teh past and help you make this plan perfect

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Comments  (22)

    Daniel 17-01-2024 15:56:25

    Yes, we will hire interns from this Running Semester ( Fall- 2024), Afzal will be on top of this. 

    Admin 16-01-2024 21:24:07

    what is the update on this mate? are we going to start an intern programme?


    intern programme is our low cost way of getting some man power for bench marketing work.

    Daniel 21-11-2023 20:56:03

    After taking a few initiatives on the intern program ( I mean, visiting universities to universities to make good agreements with the authorities), suddenly a large number of people from the Olivar team came to the bench ( 12 together + 2 other bench people ), so after discussing with the Managers, I need to pause the program for a while.   

    But we are keeping a good relationship and communication with the PR of universities, so once we get back with good stability we can easily resume the program. 


    Admin 21-11-2023 20:17:00

    daniel, whats the update wiht this?


    our intern programme was supposed to be the way of getting bench people, and training people to become full time employees for future.


    so whats happening prior?

    Admin 08-12-2022 18:45:11

    This is meeting minutes, so im not sure why you are sending this here. ned to add to meeting minutes.


    the other stuff i gave are for you to use as items for executing the G Programm

    Daniel 08-12-2022 14:32:57

    Thank you boss for all the materials, and please find the attached file and let me know whether the structural details are o or not. 

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:54:20

    This is the monthly trainee review template you need to use

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:53:39

    here is anotehr leaflet that was effective for the G Programme

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:52:43

    I am not sure what questions framsework you are using currently, but you need to use this framework for trainee and regular candidates.

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:51:38

    This is an interview confirmation email.

    you need to modify your existing interview confirmation email to this email (you are adding an email template on TC).

    the key here is giving some tips in the emails so that people can be fully prepared.


    you can also ask the candidate (trainee or regular candidate) about this email to TEST if they read it. this will show you how serious they are.

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:50:06

    you could use this email as a REPLY to anyone applying of G Programme to educate them about the G Programme.

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:48:59

    This is the G Programme induction schedule - as you can see it is very similar to regular staff induction but some sections ar specifically for Trainees. follow this induction plan and modifiy the items to be suitable for SI

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:47:24

    This is a leaflet that was used, you can think about whether oyu need a leaflet or not. i would leave this offline stuff as last option.

    Admin 07-12-2022 21:46:30

    This is an example of an email newsletter i have used that was effective. but of course this is for a western audeicne. you should create a email newsletter for informing people.

    Admin 07-12-2022 19:00:03

    attached is a process flow for hiring.

    of course the hiring process for G-Programme is identical to hiring normal staff - but it is important to have this in your process document that you are building.

    Admin 07-12-2022 18:56:38

    attached is the G-Brochure

    this is information for intern candidates. maybe you will need something like this to send to them by email.

    so you can edit this file to make it suitable for Staff India G-Programme.

    Admin 07-12-2022 18:49:50

    Hi Daniel,


    as per the items we have finalised today for intern programme please prepare a DOCUMENT that has all teh details about the INTERN PROGRAMME structure.

    you gave a table in the comments below with some structure which should be in the document.


    prepare this document and show me please. this document is our REFERENCE so that anyone in the management can know everything about the structure of the Intern programme by reading this document.

    Daniel 04-11-2022 18:20:55

    1. Actually, initially we want to stwith 4art the program members so that we can get overall ideas on signs of progress or challenges regarding the program. Once we get settled we can increase the number as you want. 

    2. Yes, These students will be from the final semester( last 4 months of 4 years graduation program) of BBA or CSE

    Yes, I will do my level best to lead the program so that Intern can be used to cover some DA work as well

    Admin 04-11-2022 18:09:09

    HI Daniel,


    Thanks for the update on this.  Few questions:


    1. Why only 4 interns per batch?
    2. These interns are in which year? Final year?


    Also some key points to keep in mind:


    1. Interns will focus on a system of bench work –  – and possibly help provide cover for any DA absences
    2. You will have leadership of interns Team.
    Admin 04-11-2022 18:06:51

    Hello Rob ,


    Hope you are doing well


    As per your instructions and guideline, we did a meeting on Friday, 21st October 2022, and all managers gladly appreciate to resume the internship program and provide a few guidelines regarding the initiative. The total meeting minutes are narrated as follows:


    Maximum Number of Internees


    If everything goes ok , the amount may rise to 6 persons.

    Intern Period

    4 months.

    Thus we can run 3 programs/year and can get maximum 12 participant/year

    Working Days

    Monday to Friday


    Working hours/day

    4 hours/day


    Working time:

    10am to 2am BD time

    It will help me to supervise their work as well

    Proposed Remuneration:

    BDT 2000

    To cover up their transportation cost

    Holiday Calendar

    Uk Standard

    Will help to keep pace  with our holidays



    Steve will decide and allocate accordingly - once we start hiring











    We have also discussed the marketing strategy for attracting the candidates and came to the point to use SMM focusing on BBA and CSE graduates for now. 


    I am really excited to start the internship program ASAP because by starting such a program we can continue our Online marketing task and also have the chance to get a bunch of candidates in our waiting list.


    I am looking forward to your further suggestion and instruction. Kindly let me know the probable start-up date for the program as well. 

    Daniel 02-11-2022 15:29:38

    Boss, I have emailed you the summary of our meeting minutes,
    Please find the email with the subject line " Meeting Minutes on Internship Program" 

    Admin 28-10-2022 12:58:12

    hey daniel, whats teh update on this? you had your meeting? show me the plan you guys concluded?