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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

OMJ competition

Assigned To:
  1. Sherman (
Assign By Admin On 2019-11-06
Deadline:- 1701 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1701 Days Ago

Task Details :-



client wants us to come up wiht an idea for a competition for OMJ.


some kind of competition that will encourage people to join more and more to win some kind of good prize.


client doesnt know what will be suitabel as they are not bangladeshi, and neither am i.


so i need you to give me 3 ideas of a SIMPLE competition that we can implement on our website banner.

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Comments  (20)

    Sherman 07-11-2019 07:28:13

    t-shirt is for promotion. It is a tradition to use t-shirts for promoting. That's just an idea. In addition, if we make 100 t-shirts, it will cost less. 

    That's just an idea...

    I will try to come up with a better prize menu

    Admin 06-11-2019 17:17:54

    i dont think you thought this through properly sherman.


    you suggested OMJ T shirt as a prize. do you really think bd people even care about a t shirt? i highly doubt this.

    Sherman 06-11-2019 15:02:12

    This file is with prizes...

    Admin 06-11-2019 11:20:03

    Hi Sherman,


    some interesting ideas.


    suggest me the prize for each, id like to see what you think is suitable to makke it attractive for bd people.

    Sherman 05-11-2019 14:32:08
    Sherman 05-11-2019 14:26:48

    The task is done. please find attached. I need your help to set the prize... 

    Admin 30-10-2019 14:17:36

    lets wrap this discussion up wihtin teh few days please. we dotn want to spend too long thinking. of coruses some reasearrch is rquired to know some prices etc. as i cant propose very expensive stuff to the client.

    Sherman 30-10-2019 07:37:39

    I'll try to come up with some good ideas. I have already some in mind. Just need to work on these.

    Sam 02-07-2019 09:21:07

    We could offer 2-night stay at Shuktara Nature retreat in Khadimnagar, Sylhet for Tk 8000.

    Admin 11-06-2019 12:11:21

    1 night trip will be attractive mate?

    i personally wouldnt travel far just for 1 night.


    a 2 night trip would be better, the it is worth travelling far.


    this package is very expensive though isnt it? for  1 night just 15k. its similar to uk trip cost.

    Sam 11-06-2019 09:51:37

    There is a Summer offer in Grand Sultan Tea Resort and Golf in Srimangol, Sylhet.

    The package would be BDT 15,777 Net for 2 persons for 1 night with complimentary breakfast, lunch & dinner.

    Admin 28-05-2019 18:35:24

    thats a nice idea.


    find a packae for thsi trip and give me details and costing so that i can discuss with client. for approval.



    Sam 28-05-2019 10:06:47

    1. We can reward for the most referrals by a person. It will be a referrals competition.

    2. The most a person will refer and creates an account on our website will be the winner.

    3. The prize for the winner can be a holiday trip to a good resort for 2 days.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Admin 20-05-2019 13:30:49

    sam this is getting really boring sending so many messages to each other.


    please just think over it. and DESIGN teh competition properly mate.


    1. what will teh competition be

    2. the criteria for selecting the winner

    3. prize for the winner.


    the prize has to be something amazing enough for people to WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN TEH COMPEITION.

    Sam 20-05-2019 09:21:44

    In skill test suppose we can have a graphics competition on a task for photo editing. The person who can edit the picture nicest will get the prize.

    Admin 17-05-2019 15:39:01

    tell me more about the skills test, how would that work.

    break it down for me in steps.

    Sam 17-05-2019 14:47:42

    1. We could arrange a skills test competition which could create a buzz. Rewards could be that person get a project on which he is an expert. That way we can show people we have jobs.

    2. There could be an interesting online game that's very popular and we reward that person with a small tour to resort.


    Admin 17-05-2019 12:53:45

    you didnt mention what the REWARD should be.

    and what the condition of the competition should be for (1) and (2). its too vague mate.


    think of some other ideas.


    point (3) is actually really good.

    Sam 17-05-2019 11:43:23

    Here are my ideas:

    1. Image competition where the most beautiful one will be selected and reward given.

    2. We can have an article writing contest where the nicest one gets rewarded.

    3. The most referrals by any person can be rewarded.
