Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Explore these site for jobs

Assigned To:
  1. Ross (
Assign By Admin On 2019-05-20
Deadline:- 1867 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1867 Days Ago

Task Details :-



explore teh site mentions on this blog:


in detail please. understand what kind of jobs are posted there, the competition level.


let me know if any of the sites are worth my time to open an account adn bid for projects to bring in more work to SI.


let me know your conclusion.

and if you are unsure of anything feel free to discuss teh case with me ON THIS TASK COMMENTING SECTION.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (3)

    Admin 20-05-2019 13:04:16

    nice one ross, you got it right first time aroud.


    so as per your conclusions i will be focusing on:






    Ross 19-05-2019 00:11:07

    Please find attached a document with the reviews. For some reason, I couldn't access the second site. I tried VPN but no success. 

    Admin 15-05-2019 13:14:25

    here's another website to explore: