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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Hire Super VAs

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2024-01-16
Deadline:- 1644 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1644 Days Ago

Task Details :-



my workload is incerasing exponentially as teh company goes above 100 employees. i cannot bear this. i need to hire more VAs to work on my admin tasks.


here is my plan:


1. hire me very very capable VAs. people who are not stupid.

2. every VA will work part time wiht a client and part tiem with me - same setup as shawn.

3. i need versatile VAs ideally semi tech. do not suggest anyone on teh waiting list to me becasue there is nobody that i find attractive enough. when i interview teh candidates i will know who will be suitabel for being my assisatnts.

4. i will need at 6 people.


start hiring already. i want teh best people available.


I am giving you a 2 months deadline. i want these 6 people hiring before teh 2 month deadline.


let me know if you ahve any questions or concerns.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (15)

    Daniel 10-02-2022 19:58:03

    Pease find the attached cv of the candidates that compteded graduation from India with 100% government scholarship

    Admin 10-02-2022 18:30:35

    ok show me the CV im curious about this person to see if they are matching my criteria.

    Daniel 09-02-2022 20:31:56

    Yes, boss. we found two candidates in 2020 who completed graduation from India in IT.. 

    But couldn't hire them due to the pendamic sitation for last 2 years. In 2021, I communicated with them and found one of them available and another one unreachable .

    Admin 09-02-2022 19:03:14

    Hi Daniel,


    have you met any candidates who can fit teh super VA role type?

    Tina 12-06-2019 19:15:38

    we have got Arash. other we shortlisted so far got rejected by you. so we keep looking for the right person.  

    Admin 08-06-2019 13:09:36

    this task has no progress update on percentage.


    lets bring this task to a close asap Tina, we dont need to drag this on forever.

    Tina 31-05-2019 19:31:55

    so we have Gary, and i am proposing Aiden, and now we have Arash and Tarek for this position. 4 person total.

    existing people can start anytime you want. Before we hire Arash and Tarek, you will receive the bench people costing report on Monday. later that we can decide the most suitable date to hire them.. initially i am thinking to get them on 10th June. 

    Admin 31-05-2019 13:14:37

    Im not sure if tarek will manage as super VA. but i will give him a chance.


    just ebfore you hire both tarek and arash i need a recap on our bench and our cost - as i need to ensure i am not overspending.

    Tina 30-05-2019 14:30:19

    we have shortlisted ARASH and TAREK AHMED for this position. you also want them as super VA. so let me know when to hire them. 

    Tina 29-05-2019 21:59:16

    i will update you in details about this task tomorrow.

    Admin 16-05-2019 15:42:07

    basically your saying you cant get any results? thats what it sounds like.

    please kindly dont message me useless messages like this.

    you have ajob to do, you need to achieve your results.

    i have a job to do, i need to aciheve my results.

    we should never give each other excuses really. we are seniors, we should always find solutiosn and MAKE IT HAPPEN.


    ill be waiting for some good results.

    Tina 16-05-2019 15:11:34

    no suitable old employees found you know. from the recent interview batch, we found a suitable guy whom you liked as well- Tareak Ahmed, from a one of the top university in BD 

    Admin 15-05-2019 12:19:31

    nothing further on this?


    you didnt manage to find a SINGLE VA for this category?


    15 days left, i need some results.

    Tina 29-04-2019 20:00:40

    okay, i am going to contact him. 

    Admin 29-04-2019 17:52:48

    tina go ahead and hire Dave back. since shawn is leaving i need to start hiring 3-4 guys to handle my core internal work. so that if one person leaves it doesnt hamper the work.


    let me know if you have any other candidate in mind.