CRITICAL User Management on BO
Assigned To:
Assign By Admin On 2025-02-06
Deadline:- 7 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 7 Days Ago
Task Details :-
Hi Nigel,
we need to modify our user setup little bit.
so we will imagine a new company is registering.... meaning... Staff India is registering to use B.O.
means on this home page for BO we need an extra button called Sign Up
So what will happen:
1. user will click Sign Up
2. a Short Registration form for making a new COMPANY USEr. basically this is a Super Admin registration.
3. the form should ask user for all teh critical information that is required for Super Admin user - include verify email address
4. so after sign up user will come to login page and access the BO.
5. they will see the dashboard, but of course nothign is there for this user and his cmpany. there are no staff, no other account. nothing.
6. no the super admin will create new accounts for his staff members etc which we already have working.
So what is the critical change here? All the users (including teh super admin) need to BELONG to a Company Group. So they can only see users of this company group in the various functions we ahve.
example.... now we have 2 company registered
company 1 = staff india
company 2 = ABC
Staff India Super Admin should not be able to touch anythign wihthin Company ABC group.
ABC super admin should not be able to see anythign of Staff India company.
And FInal step is this:
MOST CRITICAL = we need Super Super Admin Role that can see ALL Companies, with ALL assets, ALL Options, evrything. this Super Super Admin will be for solving issues for any Company group.
Maybe you are thinking what to do with all the users created for Staff India already.
you can discuss this with me on skype and i will guide you. as i need this structured correctly.
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete