find DATA ANALYTICS companies
Assigned To:
Assign By Admin On 2024-10-29
Deadline:- It's an Ongoing Task.
Deadline:- It's an Ongoing Task.
Task Details :-
i need a data entry person working on finding data analytic companies every day.
Just few hours - its bench work basically. but high priority.
you will have to make a video tutorial on how to find data anlyatic cmpanies, like searchign google, linked it, etc.
these copmanies usually advertise themselves as using AI to analyse data etc.
for the companies i need their full contact info, PLUS the c-level contact person, at least 3 person in high position like Owner, director, CEO, PLUS maybe HR, or VP, or OPeration manager
let me know if you ahve any questions.
i need this data populated on a google sheet daily. so taht i can contact tehse companeis and try and get data entry projects.
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete
Sure, noted
ill be checking the google sheet reuglary to see progress... as i will be using the data real time to contact tehse companies.
Boss, I have created a new bench task along with a video tutorial. The bench team will start working on this shortly --- once we get people from the PI team onto the bench, hopefully starting this Thursday.
Ok, noted
good question these companies can be from any western country. USA, UK, EUROPE and UAE
Sure, could you please confirm if the companies should be from the UK and USA, or if we can also consider companies based in the UAE?