Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Email Marketing (Cold Emailing)

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Daniel (Dipta Dhar) On 2024-01-14
Deadline:- 180 Day/s Left

Task Details :-

As you know marketing is an integral part to get new clients for our company and this task is one of the most important of all marketing work and highly sensitive as well. Please see the video tutorial attentively and start doing the work. Remember, this work will require a little dynamism, so use your knowledge to get the work done.

Find the necessary links from the key asset option. 

You must have to send at least 30 customized emails in 2 hours without fail. 

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

Sub Task(s):

No Sub-task Added.

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Comments  (1)

    Admin 15-01-2024 12:53:22

    i dont want you to do this task anymore please.

    i am doing a different solution for this.