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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

TWITTER - preparing a bench system for Bench people

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2023-03-27
Deadline:- 459 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 459 Days Ago

Task Details :-



Bench people will be doing various marketing related tasks. as you know we discussed about making this most effective.


part of making this effective is to create a SYSTEM of tasks for each type of platform we will use.


so i am assiging you multiple tasks for multiple platforms to PREPARE a system by reseaerching.


This task is to create a SYSTEM - its a very simple system - basically hte SET OF TASKS that need to be done on twitter to improve engagement and getting followers.

Once we have finalised a simple system by resaerhing and learning from experts on teh internet - we will get our bench people to follow the system on a daily basis .


To start you off Here are few things that need to be done on Twitter to improve the results of using Twitter for a business:


1. like some posts RELATED to your field, of small followers daily  - WHY? this shows interest in them, and they will do same for you and like your posts.


2. Find one piece of trending information RELATED to your field and RE-WRITE teh tweet AND create your own image/banner on canva and POST IT. WHY? this will show you are staying on top of your market


3. Find 5 conversations regarding the same topic of your post, that has lots of comments... and put your post in the comment.  WHY? This will get more people to notice your post.





there are many more thhings that can be done on twitter daily.... research learn and create a summary of hte steps and discuss with me.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (2)

    Daniel 27-03-2023 15:50:14

    Thank you, boss, I will initiate these at our marketing/bench work and will do more research to find more other ways to get connected with our target audience. 

    Admin 26-03-2023 16:47:52

    here;s a few things i learnt that need to be turned into tasks for Twitter bench system:


    1. search hashtags related to your business, eg. #outsourcing, #remoteemployee, #virtualemployee, #virtualoffice etc

    find more hashtags that are related to our business.

    this will show POSTS, PEOPLE, GROUPS, ..... now do somethign wtih these - specify what you will do with teh people, what you will do on the posts, and groups etc.


    2. Find people following your competitors and connect with them. Message them as well.


    3. When you are posting something, or commenting on something INTERACT with other people in your following by doing these things:

    - mention them usign @

    - tag them

    - retweet their tweet

    - show appreciation for their post/like , give good comment on their post.

    They will see your action and they will remember you and interact back with you.