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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Private message group message on Telegram

Assigned To:
  1. Stuart (
Assign By Daniel (Dipta Dhar) On 2024-01-14
Deadline:- 225 Day/s Left

Task Details :-

Hi Stuart, 

Another bench task for you and this is chatting to customers in telegram.

here is what to do:

1. everyday check who has joined the telegram group newly. Goldium-FREE-FX-Signals group (not VIP group)

2. private message the newly joined person and chat with them like a human. the main things to chat are:


intro: Hi XXXhow are you? thanks for joining the Goldium Group.

tell them your objective: I want to learn more about you so that I can help you make Profits in Trading. Can I ask you some quick questions?

ask them these questions and fill in the google form to collect the data( get the link to the google form from the Key Asset option).

ask each question ONE BY ONE and RESPOND each time the customer answers.

  1. What are you trading currently?
    respond example: "I see, our Trader is trading Gold mostly, lots of profit-making opportunities with Gold.
  2. How long have you been trading?
    respond example if they are new to trading: "great, I hope you will make lots of profit with our help"
    respond example if they are trading for some time: "great, you must have good knowledge in trading"
  3. Have you made good profits?
    respond example if they are making a loss: "oh I am sorry to hear this, I hope with our help you can make profits"
    respond example if they are making a profit: "this is great. with our help, I think you will make even more profit"
  4. What are you finding difficult in Trading?
    the answer to this could be almost anything, so need to use common sense and reply accordingly.
  5. How much money do you have to trade with if I may ask?
    the response can be anything simple like "I see"
  6. What are they hoping to get from this group?
    response example: "well I hope we can help you get what you want from this group"

    Closing the conversation:
    "Thanks for chatting with me XXXXX, it is good to know more about all my group members, so I can know how to help everyone properly.
    For now, follow the Analysis and Trade signals, and do the trades using the prices mentioned.
    but remember do small position trades, not big trades. Profits will grow slowly. It's better to grow profit slowly and become rich!

           Chat to you soon.

**** **The Telegram account will be logged into an NC server account - reach out to IT to get access to this.

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Comments  (1)

    Admin 15-01-2024 12:47:22

    i think you didnt start this task yet stuart?