BENCH TASK: Building Twitter Spreadsheet
Assigned To:
Assign By Daniel (Dipta Dhar) On 2023-04-13
Deadline:- 466 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 466 Days Ago
Deadline:- 466 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 466 Days Ago
Task Details :-
Hello Norman,
I hope you are doing well.
Here, is the new ongoing internal task that you should do daily without fail.
1. watch this video( get the link from the key asset) on how to do the task.
2. Keep the data in the google sheet( link in the key asset).
3. The Twitter account will be logged into an NC server account - reach out to IT to get access to this.
5. This should be done daily to ensure the spreadsheet is UPTO date with the Twitter account.
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 10 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Building Twitter Spreadsheet: 20 followings
Added details of 6 followings