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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Task Details

Asking for a cover letter for job applicatiosn

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2024-01-16
Deadline:- 558 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 558 Days Ago

Task Details :-



here is an idea to help you easily identify the 'more capable and more serious candidate' from the less serious.


in your job post ASK for a COVER LETTER which is writing about a topic.


e.g As a cover letter, write something about XXXXXX and submit this wiht your application.


those who actually read the job details will notice this needs to be done. which shows a more serious and possible capable person. so its like a filter for you  - and you can prioritise these people first for the interview process.


let me know what you think, maybe you have a diferent view due to peoples behaviour?

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Comments  (3)

    Daniel 20-12-2022 15:41:21

    Please see my comments below: 


     I strongly agree with your suggestion of asking candidates for a cover letter, but  I think we will find the following silly works of the candidates( As I found such mistakes in several  cases) 

    Candidates actually just copy the cover letter from different sources and hardly edit with their expertise, abilities, or something like that. 


    So, I am suggesting a new proposal along with the cover letter and this is:

    A written  Application from the candidates for the applied job post, where Applicants should write about their skills and reasons for applying for the job


    I think we can add a field in the TC websites to write the application during the submission of a CV for a job post.


    Looking forward to your further suggestion. 



    Admin 20-12-2022 15:03:41

    i didnt understand your comment at all you are writing theoretically. be a bit more clear please.

    Daniel 20-12-2022 09:40:18

    Yes, boss, You are absolutely right. A cover letter shows the professionalism of candidates during the times of dropping CVS. 

    But, most of the chase we'll find a generic cover letter from the candidates that they will copy from the internet or other sources. But, the candidate with a unique cover letter will describe more positivity about him/her. And, surely we can ask candidates to attach the letter with the CV. 

    But, what about an application relating to the job description?  Here the chance of copying/pasting will be minimized, the candidate should write something about him to impress us for the selection. 

    Actually, the cover letter is an integral part of a CV which we can make mandatory for the candidates during submitting their CVs. And, May I know your opinion to get a direct application from the applicants with the name "Job Application" 

    Can we add a field in TC websites to write the application during the submission of CV for a job post?