sub task of MAILER LITE
Assigned To:
Assign By Admin On 2022-11-22
Deadline:- 722 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 722 Days Ago
Task Details :-
we need a new audience list and automation for a new category of prospects. this needs to happen:
1. the audience list will have same columns as ebay list.
2. data will be added to this list by the API from MVP admin panel
3. in admin panel when a user send an EMAIL to a client - the same time the details will be added to this new audience list
4. but it will need extra column to know the NAME of the mvp admin panel USER -because this will be the email SENDER NAME, and the name on teh email Signature
5. so this new customer will nter teh ATUOMATION when they are added to teh list.
6. BUT.. this customer will already be in ebay list - so we dont want them to get 2 autoamtion emails - so means we need to update the ebay list using teh API as well. the simple thing to do is set a TAG e.g. a tag called 'TRANSFERRED" - and so the automation for ebay list will only send email to clietns who don't have the tag 'TRANSFERRED'.
It's a very simple things to implement but the business logic is a little confusing.
if you ahve any confusions let discuss on skype
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete