Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Automating Monthly salary calculation

Assigned To:
  1. Ross (
Assign By Admin On 2024-09-24
Deadline:- 690 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 690 Days Ago

Task Details :-

OK so once you have completed the automation of this we should add this:


  1. A menu option for processing salaries
  2. This option will give a summary of everyone salary – with columns to details deductions/overtime etc
  3. There would be a button for marking as ‘paid’
  4. When this paid button is clicked – an auto email to sent to employee to notify them off the payment with their auto generated payslips (pdf) attached.
  5. There would of course need to be an edit button for each employee incase any of the figures on any column needs to be over-ride for someone reason.


Lets make this happen Ross – this is adding value to the business by simplifying and automating work for scalability.


As I have mentioned, it still has a lot of manual work. Please see below the steps:


  1. Updating WM according to the WM issues received via a google form.
  2. Download attendance record
  3. Download leave records
  4. Download over break, dress code etc records
  5. Update active employee list on the calculation template and then enter all of the above data into the relevant tabs which then calculate the salaries in the summary tab.
  6. Add/update other bills i.e. taxi, security salaries, internet bills etc and also deductions i.e. escrow funds etc.


After that this is mostly ready. Just have to do manual check to any abnormalities i.e. excessive or too low pays etc.



Unfortunately, our salary calculation still has a lot of manual work. We wanted to make our work manager to do the automation on this but we weren’t able to do so yet. We had shortage of developers who can spare some time on WM. Recently we have worked on few things – i.e. the WM leave system that was developed by ex Scott but was left incomplete. We have managed to complete this recently with the help of ex Mac and Oscar. I have also discussed with Oscar and Scott about the next few things to be included into WM which will take us to a step closer to the automation.


One of the features is  - sorting WM issues inside the work manager which is currently done in google sheet and then being adjusted into WM manually. For example – someone missed to clock in on a day, or suddenly WM is inaccessible and a few people couldn’t clock in on time. On such cases, they used to fill in a google form and we then adjust his clock in/out time manually in WM. We will add this to WM so employees can send such request and their managers can approve which will then automatically update their clock in/out time.


The next feature we have started working with is the Break records which again being recorded using a google sheet now. We are trying to have this on WM so the over breaks being recorded automatically and come up with the attendance report.


Once these two things are sorted, we will have most part of the automation done. The next step will be to calculate salaries and generate payslips etc.


Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (3)

    Admin 25-09-2024 12:56:19

    furthermore this feature will need to be build on B\O as we will be migrating to BO in coming months.

    Admin 25-09-2024 12:55:05

    ok agree. this remains pending.


    this means Daniel shortcoming on hiring a php developer is holding you back from achieving this goal.

    therefore you need to get on daniels case and keep pushing for hiring developers. take responsbility for this please and make it happen

    Ross 24-09-2024 17:47:50

    Hi Rob,

    We still do not have a qualified PHP developer, Nigel was unable to do many of our needed features. Without them, we won't be able to automate this. So until we have a dedicated developer, this task won't progress.