Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Available Staff

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2022-12-12
Deadline:- 599 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 599 Days Ago

Task Details :-



we have record of all staff on WM.

we know their jobs and clietns assigned.


Firstly we need to identify who is with client and who are NOT on clients (that could be bench, it support, and otehr internal staff)


then using this - we need a HR menu option that will contain the option Upcoming ROles (existing) and Available Staff.


the available staff menu option will show details of who is on teh bench. this will simple be a table summary showing all basic information that helps seeing at a glance what sort of staff is availalble WHEN having discussion wiht clients.


This will be most useufl for some sales people i am planning ot hire in UK. they can easily see what/who is available.


of course on this table we can CLICK on the person and go into their staff details page (existing) to see more details like their CV, notes etc.


lets get this done as a centralise feature for HR. as you know currently i am checking with managers and daniel and discussing each indiviudal person. but that can be automated using a simple tool like this.

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Comments  (19)

    Admin 23-11-2022 20:03:00

    this method of adding bench people is wrong mate. this is basically data duplication.


    think about it -the details we are shwing on bench page is what? we are showing DETAILS OF EMPLOYEES.


    now we have a central place for that already [employee details / add employee].


    this stuff is supposed to be done there. meaning employee details page needs a new column to assign category like BENCH, CLIENT, INTERNAL.


    and then in teh bench page you SHOW ONLY staff that is of categoy BENCH or INTERNAL.

    this ensures all teh data stays central in teh right place where it belongs with duplication. please modify like this.


    Same with data for the skills colum, and past client column - it all needs ot be on employee details page - this is the entire compliation/details of a employee.


    the bench page is only a PREVIEW of people who are of category bench or internal.

    Steve 23-11-2022 18:25:56

    Hello Rob,

    Skill type is actually based on previous experience an employee gather from his previous client works. Initially an employee have only 2-3 basic skills. But after assigning him to a client he will gather more skills and we will add those to his skill sets.

    So i think we dont need a seperate column for this. You can just inform UK sales people that the Skill Set theu see in Bench employee is actually they gather from their preious clients.

    Steve 23-11-2022 17:54:56

    Ok i will add Previous client work column in the page.

    Bench people adding is simple. Just click on Add bench People and it will be added to Bench people page.

    Admin 23-11-2022 17:33:17

    this all looks fine. anotehr ting i would suggest adding is PREVIOUS CLIENT WORK. this would be very helpful for sales staff to understand the virtual staff more.


    also how is teh bench people selected? is there a place where HR will set teh staff as "BENCH" - which enables the staff to show up in bench page?

    Steve 23-11-2022 15:26:39

    Hello Rob,

    We have updated bench people Skill sets. Could you please take a look. Also fixed admin access issue.

    You will find it on WM>HR>Bench Employee

    Admin 23-11-2022 13:45:08

    you are right stve, TC site has all thse features already so should be using it there. look slike this HR section is already becoming a mess with duplicate work and duplicate functions.

    Steve 22-11-2022 20:08:28

    Hello Rob,

    Yes i talked to Oscar and find out Admin permission access is different then managers account. i thought Admin account is master account which have access to everything. Oscar is already fixing this.

    Add candidaate and Show all Candidates are interesting functions.It was designed to keep the records of all interviewed candidates like who got interviewed, got shortlisted, whose workshop is complete,Who is in waiting, Who is hired etc.

    I talked to Daniel about this. He informed me he already discussed these options with you. But we have same functionality on TC and you suggested to use TC for this.

    But As we are not using TC much these days, so i think we should start using these options.

    Admin 22-11-2022 19:42:40

    lets get the data in and it will make snese to check ti afer that to understand form a outside users point of view.


    maybe my admin account needs specific access since im not manager cateogry eitehr i think.

    also what is the add candidate and show all candidate option for?

    Steve 22-11-2022 18:36:18

    Hello Rob,

    Initially we have to enter employee's skill sets for all existing employees becausae in the past skill sets menu option was not there.

    From now on whenever a new employee will join and HR will create his account in WM, he will add Skill sets.

    I already asked HR to add Skill sets of bench people in their HR profile. I will let you know and you can recheck.

    And this is just a draft design layout. Because you asked me to show you first the design. We havent entered Employees skill sets yet.Once we agree about the design then i will ask HR to add employee's skill sets.

    I am not sure why WM>HR>Bench Employee option is not showing. I checked with Ross, Daniel, Alan and myself. eBench Employee option is showing ok. Please check attached image. I will check with Oscar to see why you ar not able to see Bench Employee option.

    You are accessing WM from admin account right?

    Admin 22-11-2022 15:05:15

    doesnt look right to be honest.


    lets get bench staff data showing first to understand properly why it doesnt look right. if i was a sales person in uk and i looked at this i would be clueless to understand who i can use for which client.


    remember it should not be creating new data -we are collating existing data and summarising here.


    also the menu items WM>hr>bench doesnt even exist its not there.


    i find it quite frustarting when im asked to check somethign that isnt even done properly mate.

    Steve 21-11-2022 15:05:35

    Hello Rob,

    Have you checked this? If not please do and give me yor feedback.

    Steve 18-11-2022 20:34:37

    Hello Rob,

    This is Done. Please check and let me know your thoughts, if something else needed to be added/removed etc.

    You will find it on WM>HR>Bench Employee

    Admin 14-11-2022 17:30:32

    let me know when this new page/function is ready so i can review as well.  please ensure its thorhoughly done, think about what will be needed on that page for ease and comfort of use.


    Steve 14-11-2022 16:57:24

    Right now only Admin, Managers and HR can see most of the options in WM.

    We can keep both Upcoming Roles and Bench Stuff option only limited to Admin, HR and Managers. Once You hire UK Sales people we can give him/them permission to see both optons in WM

    Admin 14-11-2022 16:49:39

    yes, this one is quite simple:


    New Menu called HR

    under this menu:

    >Upcoming Roles

    > Bench Staff


    Bench staff page will need some action buttons e.g. "view staff details"

    but some thinking required here - because not all users should be abel to access all features, so access should be available dependig on user type.

    Steve 14-11-2022 16:33:56

    Hello Rob,

    Understood. So we will create a new menu where only bench people's info will be showed. I will get a developer to start working on this.

    Admin 14-11-2022 16:12:52

    hey good technique to demonstrate by video.


    you are right on what you re showing.


    BUT we need a new menu options becuase theres no need for UK sales people to see full employee records. they just need a summary  like in the table below:


    Staff Role Type Skill set
    xxx VA customer service
    xxxx DA data entry, data collection
    xxx IT Executive windows server, remote netowrking, software, hardware
    Steve 14-11-2022 15:21:02

    Hay Rob,

    Any thoughts in this?

    Steve 11-11-2022 23:14:10

    Hello Rob,

    This can be done easily. Please watch the video attached. Its better if i expain my idea here with a video, it would be easier for both of us.
