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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

SYstemise CASES

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2023-09-05
Deadline:- 600 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 600 Days Ago

Task Details :-



there are various types of cases we deal with.

such as ISSUES, MEETINGS (a meeting has many cases within it).


now these CASES have an OUTCOME / SOLUTION of some kind. the outcome usually come after a discussion/chat/planning/some workign etc.....


now during this process of discussing/chatting/planning/working etc.... the case can get LOST due to negligence.


the negligence comes because someone doesnt take FULL OWNERSHIP of teh CASE and ensure it is resolve with an OUTCOME -> and then close the case.


how can we systemise this to reduce the failure rate of cases and ENSURE that all cases come to an outcome. AND we have a histroy of cases that builds up where we can refer bakc to if we have a new case similar to an old case?


lets work out a practical and simple solution for systemising this.ive got some ideas, let me know your ideas first.

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Comments  (5)

    Admin 09-11-2022 19:44:29

    same for skype - a discussion i happeing on skype.

    same for email - a discussion is happening on email.


    we need a clever way of TURNING this discssion into a centralised discussion on WM.

    Admin 09-11-2022 19:43:49

    futhemore how can we solve the problem of omin channel - and get all this discussion stuf CENTRALISED and captured?


    there must be some clever stuff we can do... that is much simpler than WAITING TO GET ON THE COMPUTER  --> logon on DSICUSSION --> record what was chattings/discussed in a meeting


    for example a disussion happened on whatsapp in SI HR group - > we must think if a simple way of transferring this into a DISCUSION on WM to centralise it.

    Admin 09-11-2022 19:41:50

    furthermore, in relation to STAFF it would be a DISCUSION.


    e.g haivng a discussion wiht HR and managers regarding a topic.regarding a candidate. regarding a project, regarding a client. etc.


    so perhaps this function shuld be more universal and called DISCUSSIONS -> that get turned into TASKS dpeending on the outcome.

    Admin 09-11-2022 19:39:34

    Hi Steve,


    you are right a reason for losing track of cases is due to multiple communication channels.


    but also this has been a recurring problem with internal staff - and general operational management.


    my idea is also similar to yours - which is to add a function on WM to CENTRALISE all cases.


    the function would work very similar to TM - but it will have some extra features like assigning to perosn X for completion - e.g the CASE TURNS INTO A TASK.


    think about this situation of losing track of cases. what basic features would be need on teh CASES option? here is one exra thing:

    1. one thing we will need is a button that says CREATE TASK - which we click after the cases is conculded -> the case gets assigned as a task to Person X with a deadline.


    Steve 09-11-2022 19:07:29

    Hello Rob,

    I think one of the reason for CASES got lost or remain incomplete is we use so many tools to communicate. We use emails, skype chats(both personal and group),Whatsapp chats etc. Personally i forget many things because i cant remember where was the discussion was.

    To begin with, We can add a Menu similar to TASK in WM. All the managers will be perticipents. So when a discusson on a CASE starts all managers are aware, they will see and perticipates in the discussion. For example we started a CASE on Inventory. After discussion we decide Steve will execute final action. As all managers are involved in the discussion they are aware, so if Steve is not taking action then other managers can remind/takeover on this. So basically you dont have to be the only one to chase someone to finish the CASE.

    I can even ask a developer to add a ALERT function on WM so when managers will login to WM they will saw a ALERT that CASE issue is pending

    Lets hear your ideas and we can discuss further.