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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

IT executive work - company calendar

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2023-10-30
Deadline:- 593 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 593 Days Ago

Task Details :-

HI Steve,


do all employees outlook ahve a company calendar added to it? we had some shared calendars with importnat dates/reminders etc in teh past, im wondering if this is being maintained?


if this has been overlooked please get your IT guys onto this and add a company calendar to EVERYONES calendar - it will be needed for some of the new things ill be implementing when i come to BD.


the simplest solution you will rememebr is to have a google calendar for company e.g. - and have this shared on everyones outlook. BUT only managers are allowed to add items to teh calendar, all other staff should have view only permission.


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Comments  (18)

    Steve 30-10-2023 18:46:34

    Password: rsi597rsi


    Admin 30-10-2023 17:41:56

    hi steve, i just got around to doing this setup on my computer.


    i need the passwords for teh respective gmail accounts to add these calendars to my outlook.

    Steve 27-09-2023 19:12:38

    Hello Rob,

    Yes each time a new employee joins or we setup Outlook, IT executives configure appropriate calendars. This is on IT executives checklist and maintained properly.

    But unfortunately most of the calendars are not been used by the deparments.

    Here is the software you will need :

    Once you installed the software you can follow the below video to add those calendars. Though i made the video for IT executives but you can watch and learn how to add calendars


    Admin 25-09-2023 15:55:42

    Hi Steve,


    give me an update on this calendar implemetnation mate.


    1. is it implemented on everyones outlook including new people.


    2. are these calendars being used - or do people know when and how to use these?


    3. remind me instructions to add all these calendars on my outlok pllease

    Admin 22-11-2022 20:07:26

    the 'managers' way of checking in on other teams calendars is through regular meetings to catch up on what is going on in each team -  i will discuss this stuff more when i come as i need our management team to get onto a pro level fo thinking and handling things.


    Steve 22-11-2022 19:53:03

    Hello Rob,

    My plan was exactly like yours. Even i instructed IT executives to do so but later Ross suggested that All managers should be in the loop for everything going around. Then i have to to ask It executives to re do again.


    Admin 22-11-2022 19:47:03

    ok thanks fo clarification i will add the calendar - strange how yo forgot to give me these ebfore me asking.


    anyhow tehre a fundamental problem with the calendar users below - you've allowed all managers to have all calendar - Bad Idea. it will be overwhelming -and as a result - manage productivity goes down.


    this should be teh setup so taht each division HEAD takes full accountability:

    1. All Employees - Holiday Calendar and Everyone Calendar.

    2. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Rob : Management Calendar

    3. Krish, Daniel : HR calendar.

    4. Steve, Sherwin,Ted: IT calendar.

    5. Daniel, Bench people : Marketing calendar.

    6. khukon,Karim, Security guys : Logistics calendar.

    Steve 22-11-2022 19:37:36

    Here is the Breakdown of all calendars.

    1. All Employees - Holiday Calendar and Everyone Calendar.

    2. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Rob : Management Calendar

    3. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Daniel : HR calendar.

    4. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Sherwin,Ted: IT calendar.

    5. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Daniel, Bench people : Marketing calendar.

    6. Krish,Ross,Alan,Steve,khukon,Karim, Security guys : Logistics calendar.


    Steve 22-11-2022 18:17:41

    You have to add the calender to your Outlook. Otherwise you wont be able to add/read/view any entry. Watch the video please.

    You will need a software also. Software link is


    Admin 22-11-2022 15:07:51

    really mate? then why dont i have teh management calendar?


    somethign not right mate. break it down to me what calendars we have and who has what calendar.

    Steve 17-11-2022 22:53:36

    Hello Rob,

    All necessary calendars are created and configured on each employee's Outlook

    Admin 15-11-2022 16:32:53

    hi steve,


    most people will only have 1 or 2 calendars.

    the aim of the calendars is to centralise reminders etc for departments.


    personally i dont be adding all calendars as i cant waste my time looking thorugh everything thatis happenign, ill talk more about departments and overseeing etc in meetings when i am in office.


    Steve 15-11-2022 16:13:13

    Hello Rob,

    Check my last comment and confirm please? If we are on the same page.

    Steve 15-11-2022 02:38:18

    Hello Rob,

    A small confusion. " remember this is ONE calendar shared for all employees. "

    I will have to create 6 different calenders for 6 different groups. One for everyone, one for management, one for HR and so on.

    All 6 calender will be created in the same google account. If you want to be in all 6 groups then you have to add 6 calenders in your Outlook.

    Admin 14-11-2022 16:18:11

    ok lets go ahead and roll this out.


    remember this is ONE calendar shared for all employees.


    bascially we want the following shared calendars:


    1. everyone - for company wide reminders

    2. management  - for management only

    3. HR - for HR team

    4. IT - for IT teams

    5. Marketing - for marketing team memebers + bench people whilst tehy are on the bench

    6. Security - for security team

    Steve 14-11-2022 15:45:20

    Hello Rob,

    I talked to Oscar about desktop notification. There is no easier way to do this actually. He can add a alert option in WM that will pop up when employees will login to WM. Which wont serve the purpose.

    I also looked into microsoft and some other calenders. Whatever calender we use, we have to login to either google or microsoft account to add an event, once thew event is added it will show notifications in Outlook.

    Looks lke Google calender is still better then other calender. So we will go with google calender. IT executives are already started adding the calender to everyone's outlook.

    Admin 08-11-2022 14:56:44

    hi steve,


    it doesnt have to be a google calendar - it can be any calendar - i think microsfot provide free calendar like google calender now as well which will be more compatible with outlook?


    i need it to be on outlook so that NOTIFICATIONS will come up when item is due, using the WM calendar wont be suitable as we cant get notifications - UNLESS you can get oscar to find a simple way to get WM to do desktop notifications OF THE CALENDAR ITEMS.

    Steve 08-11-2022 02:18:31

    Hello Rob,

    We have a google calendar. Unfortunately because of some issues we are not using it right now. Google calender has big problems with Outlook. It didnt sync properly, you have to login to gmail to make an entry etc. We tried few 3rd party apps to make google calender sync with outlook but after few days google ban these 3rd party apps.

    Thats why we build a calender on our WM. So better use our WM calendar instead of google calender.

    LLet me know if you still want to use google calendar. In that case i will get IT executives to reconfigure it in outlook


    I will get It executive to config calender