Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

newsletter function spam

Assigned To:
  1. Mac (
Assign By Admin On 2022-08-02
Deadline:- 698 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 698 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Mac,


too much spam coming on teh newsletter function on teh footer.

this same function also exist on teh blog page on teh side bar.


we need a way to stop the spam. we cant use captcha as its not suitable for this case. what idea do you have to stop the spam?


one thing you need to do is give limitation on teh field length for NAME - currently you can see spam is giving long sentence on the NAME field. So you can limit this to maybe 50 characters - that will stop this kind of SENTENCE SPAM.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (5)

    Mac 02-08-2022 19:25:41


    i make it 50 characters.

    Admin 02-08-2022 18:59:25

    make 50 characters mate. some people have long names.

    Mac 02-08-2022 17:53:06


    This task is complete.

    I set the limit to 20 characters.

    i'll be very thankfull if you give ame a feedback.

    Thank you.

    Mac 02-08-2022 17:19:15


    Yes, we can set limitation for this field.

    I think, 20 characters will be good for the limitation.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666