Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

new action button for signal registered user

Assigned To:
  1. Mac (
Assign By Admin On 2022-08-15
Deadline:- 692 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 692 Days Ago

Task Details :-

HI Mac,


need to add a new action button in teh registered user list for signal.


This is what will happen:


1. i click the action button

2. it will show me modal window with 2 text box for SUBJECT and BODY

3. when i click SEND button it will send email to the user with the subject and body

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Task Current Status :-

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Comments  (13)

    Mac 11-08-2022 17:07:58


    Good day! hope you are well.

    I added the BCC option for send button. Please check.

    I'll be very thankful if you give me a feedback.

    Thank you.

    Admin 11-08-2022 16:23:16

    ok so one more thing. when the send button is clicked, need to BCC the email to as well. so that a copy of the same email will be sent .


    after hat this task is complete

    Mac 10-08-2022 18:41:39


    Good day. hope you are.

    This task is complete.

    i fixed the first issue. added the sender name and sender mail.

    And also i added the emails option with delete.

    i attached some images.

    I'll be very thankful if you give me a feedback.

    Thank you.

    Admin 10-08-2022 12:48:06

    this is working good. but 2 things needed:

    1. the sender is wrong. i dont know why you use Sender should be
    Sender name should be "Nasir at FinancialMarkets Club"


    2. you need a menu option inside "Signals" menu called "Emails".
    inside this page can see a list of hte email with delete option.

    Mac 09-08-2022 15:22:53


    good day, hope you are well.

    I added the function for save and send button. Please check.

    I'll be very thankful if you give me a feedback.

    Thank You.

    Admin 05-08-2022 18:25:43

    now the next thing to add is the function for the SAVE AND SEND button.


    so this is what happens when this button is clicked:

    1. the email is saved in a email_template table. with subject and body.

    2. the email will be sent.

    3. NEXT TIME when teh user click the drop down, they can choose which saved email they want to use. so when they select it will show the selected email in teh text box.


    very simple. if you ahve any ocnfusion please ask on skype.

    Admin 05-08-2022 18:23:49

    ok so i hope this si working perfectly and you tested this. and the date is recording when teh email message is sent.

    Mac 03-08-2022 19:57:36


    The task is complete.

    When admin send email, the data will save to table.

    and i add a history button next to the message button,so when admin click the button it will open in a new tab and admin can see the all message, subject that send to the user with date.

    i attached some images.

    I'll be very thankful if you give me a feedback.

    Thank you.

    Admin 02-08-2022 16:59:15

    ok so now make this function better by doing this:


    1. all the message that will be sent should eb saved in a table. so that admin can see history of all the messages sent to each user.


    2. add anotehr action butotn next to the message button for HISTORY. when user click this, a new tab will open showing a histroy of all the messages sent to teh user.


    3. the page showing the history of the message shuld be presented properly with dates for each message, so that admin can easily read and follow the histroy of messages.

    Mac 01-08-2022 21:59:44


    i change the layout.

    i attached an image. 

    Admin 01-08-2022 17:29:34

    ok so first problem is it is not displaying like a email.  you have all teh text in center.


    this hsould display same as the auto email user is getting for new registration. so fix the layout.

    Mac 28-07-2022 22:46:04


    This task is complete.

    I attached the email image.

    thank you.

    Admin 26-07-2022 18:29:14

    the modal window should eb same like this. i will tell you what the drop down will do later.
