Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

BENCH TASK: private message group message on telegram

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2024-02-06
Deadline:- 856 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 856 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Daniel,


Another bench task. this is chatting to customer in telegram.

here is what to do:

1. everyday check who has joined the telegram group newly. Goldium-FREE-FX-Signals group (not VIP group)

2. private mesage the newly joined person and chat to them like human. the main things to chat is:


intro: Hi XXXhow are you? thanks for joining the Goldium Group.

tell them your objective: I want to learm more about you so that I can help you make Profits in Trading. Can I ask you some quick questions?


ask them these questions and fill in teh google form to collect teh data.

ask each question ONE BY ONE and RESPOND each time the customer answers.

  1. What are you trading currently?
    respond example: "I see, our Trader is trading Gold mostly, lots of profit making opportunities with Gold.
  2. How long have you been trading?
    respond example if they are new to trading: "great, I hope you will make lots of profit with our help"
    respond example if they are trading for some time: "great, you must have good knowledge in trading"
  3. Have you made good profits?
    respond example if they are making loss: "oh I am sorry to hear this, I hope with our help you can make profits"
    respond example if they are making profit: "this is great. with our help I think you will make even more profit"
  4. What are you finding difficult in Trading?
    the answer to this could be almost anything, so need to use common sense and reply accordingly.
  5. How much money do you have to trade with if I may ask?
    response can be anything simple like "i see"
  6. What are they hoping to get from this group?
    response example: "well I hope we can help you get what you want from this group"

    Closing teh conversation:
    "Thanks for chatting with me XXXXX, it is good to know more about all my group memebers, so I can know how to help everyone properly.
    For now follow the Analysis and Trade signals, and do the trades using the prices mentioned.
    but remember do small position trades, not big trades. Profits will grow slowly. Its better to grow profit slowly and becoem rich!
    Chat to you soon.


What you will need for this task:

1. a google form with the questions above. this google form needs fields to include teh customers telegram ID e.g @rob_trader

2. access to my telegram app via NC server - steve needs to give you an account for this and i will setup my telegram on this.


Please get this started within the deadline.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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No Sub-task Added.

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Comments  (15)

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Daniel 21-11-2023 20:59:44

    Ok, sure.

    Admin 21-11-2023 20:24:52

    daniel, you HR people need to do this daily.
    i have noticed some new peopl ejoiing the group lately.


    HR people do this for 1 week. and then you will delegate to Milton & Michael whoever is on teh bench

    Daniel 09-02-2023 17:21:08

    Than you, boss.  Internal people will star working on this ASAiP.

    Admin 09-02-2023 16:45:30



    THis is ready and setup. you can find teh key assets for the server for the telegram access

    Daniel 30-01-2023 12:58:00

    Boss, can you please provide your accounts on the server PC so that I can assign people to start this work?  

    Daniel 06-07-2022 19:05:52

    Boss, can you please provide you accounts on the server so that I can assign people to start this work ASAP

    Daniel 14-06-2022 18:07:07

    Boss, please find two seperate Accounts of the server PC below and kindly let me know whether they are ok to connect your Telegram and Twitter accounts.

    And I told IT to open two separate accounts so that two bench employees can work at a tim in different tasks using your telegram or Twitter. 

    Please let me know your further instruction. 

    Username : Rob-2
    Pass: $$$SIndia@2022!!

    Username: Rob-3
    Pass: $$$SIndia@2022!!!

    Daniel 13-06-2022 23:44:08

    ok sure ..

    Admin 13-06-2022 23:10:48

    same as other task, need separate login to avoid clash wiht qaraz workers.

    Daniel 13-06-2022 17:15:38

    Boss, Steve has informed me that you have the credential and access to connect to this server. So, please kindly connect your Telegram ID there so that bench people can start the task ASAP. 

    Daniel 09-06-2022 15:02:14

    I am conveying IT to take these into action.  

    Daniel 09-06-2022 15:00:25

    OK sure 

    Admin 09-06-2022 14:46:13

    get NC server access. alsi need remote access to it as well. and i will connect my telegram to this.

    Daniel 08-06-2022 20:37:32

    Boss, I am going to initiate this task from tomorrow, so I am requesting Steve to give me the access of your Telegram through NC server.