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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

VALUE ADD - common sense / attitude test

Assigned To:
  1. Krish (
Assign By Admin On 2022-11-03
Deadline:- 761 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 761 Days Ago

Task Details :-



a recent example of stupidity in teh office was Sid. the kind of stupidity is demonstrated is disgusting and unacceptable. this equals bad quality work = angry clietns = lost contracts.


I think it is important to do a COMMON SENSE test of some kind where people are given a SCENARIO and they have to answer the most suitable solution to the scenario.


e.g "You are assigned a task by your manager or client to complete within 5 days. Now it is day 3, and there are only 2 days remaining until the deadline. But you realise you will not complete the task properly within teh deadline. What should you do?

a. give up and resign

b. just continue your work and submit what you have on the deadline

c. discuss with your manager or client now about the situation to make a solution or get a deadline extension

d. get someone else to do the work for you within the deadline.


There are 2 purposes to this test, that will add a lot of VALUE indirectly:

1. this test should be used during interview process to filter out totally stupid people who lack common sense.

2. this test should be taken by every existing staff to see where their mindset is at - this will enable HR to decide do they need some training of some kind


I am asking you to come up wiht a test wiht 10 questions with common sense scenarios in a word document and share with me to review - as I as a westerner needs to ensure it captures the right sort of common sense scenarios.


once we have finalised it, which shouldnt take long, you can delegate to Daniel to implement on our Exam app and roll it out.


This is value adding work since it will indirectly help improve the quality of SI.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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No Sub-task Added.

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Comments  (4)

    Admin 04-11-2022 12:53:23

    haha, this was due way befoer that mate. as the most senior in your office you think its suitable for guys like us to just drop our stuff and not end it in a completed state? not fair man.

    Krish 04-11-2022 04:57:55

    Hi Rob, 

    I thought I am released from all these tasks when we had our conversation regarding my release. 
    Anyway, I will deliver this soon as possible. 

    Please bear with me,

    Admin 03-11-2022 20:08:46

    HI Krish,


    are you going to get this done mate?i feel like ideas are just being dropped wihtout taking it fruition.


    theres not much for you to do here that is stressful or taking lots of hours - its mostl delegated.

    Krish 31-05-2022 20:05:03

    Hi Rob, 

    I have understood the task. 

    I will come with a set of questions to test our present and future staff's inteligance. 

    after your review we will roll out this.