Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Group Task Function for WM

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2022-11-03
Deadline:- 800 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 800 Days Ago

Task Details :-



watch thsi video i have come up with a really good idea to help us work towards systematic processes and keeping track of core tasks and REDUCE thigns being lost, dropped etc. for long term stability.


You need to understand what im explaining in teh video and get a developer to complete this within teh deadline please.



Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (6)

    Admin 08-06-2022 15:57:59

    few points on my response Krish:


    1. the client is YOU. ultimately me yes, but you in this case. not steve, dotn pull him into this its unnecessary from where i see.


    2. github etc is a good suggestion but i want you to focus on geting the work done and results rather than messing around with another software. my objective with you is "getting results from you", frankly speaking i dont get results from you i just get talk and ideas and that it. so we need to change that to a "get results mentality".

    Krish 08-06-2022 03:38:07

    Here is the answers: 

    1. who will be the client on this task that tests to see the produced result is working to give the expected result and user friendly?

    You or Me together with Steve can test it out as we 3 only know whats going on and what are the expectations. 

    2. is it a good idea to let a new developer touch our WM platform that contains a lot of sensitive data?
    Good question, even I was too sceptical about our existing devs playing with our codes and data. for my peace of mind I advised Oscar once that if we ever in need to work under the hood of any of our system, then he should monitor it and get the task done by dev on local first. 
    i.e updating task system, Oscar should make a copy of live files that are required for upgrade, then give it to the dev to work locally on xamp or apachy server. 
    Once finalised, Oscar will push the code to our file system in the appropriate directory.

    PS: Can we use github repository ? for such dev works, its a great tool to keep codes organised, update, release, control the version etc. where you can also control access levels or so. 
    I am not sure if its free for such work or not. though. 


    Krish 08-06-2022 03:28:01


    I found where I created the confusion, by combining task I didnt mean the "functionality or coding" 
    What I advised steve was; he should line up both the task requirement in a way so that our dev can understand it easily, and then assign both the task at once or else, Group function task gets priority. 
    Its written on the same email actually. 


    Admin 07-06-2022 13:15:27

    2 things:


    1. who will be the client on this task that tests to see the produced result is working to give the expected result and user friendly?


    2. is it a good idea to let a new developer touch our WM platform that contains a lot of sensitive data?

    Admin 06-06-2022 14:26:55

    ok but do not confuse this requirement with my other email about "a systematic process for follow ups" - because that requirement applies to to ANY case - in relation to any staff.


    whereas this particular task is about CORE PROCESSES case.

    maybe you are thinkning of combining it all in one - but im not sure that will work - rather it probavbly will make a huge mess. imagine you been added to almost every task in the company - will that do any good? nope.

    Krish 04-06-2022 03:11:06

    Hi Rob,

    I had a discussion with Steve in this regard as well as some other features for our WM and TM. 

    This task is on high priority, our new Dev will start working on it from next week. 
    I will brief him on Monday 6TH June