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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

SI - mailchimp

Assigned To:
  1. Daniel (
Assign By Admin On 2022-05-14
Deadline:- 871 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 871 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Daniel,


send mass email using mailchimp or any other software is a very critical technique for TC and SI.


in teh past i have managed this, now i would like you to take over and i want this to be a core part of HR function. because HR should have overview of everything going on in the company, stories within the company, good things happening within the company and around us. all tehse are "things to write about in a newsletter".


so how does it work? i dont mean how the software works. i mean the VALUE adding part.


1. you write a blog post on teh blog.

2. you make a newsletter on mailchimp or whatever software you choose to use, and you copy FIRST PART of thsi blog into the newsletter.

3. the newsletter will have a link that says "Continue Reading" or "Read More"

4. you send out this newsletter to the database. anyone who is interested will click teh link to come to the blog page and read.


What is teh benefit of coming to the blog page? now you ahve invited people to visit your website and brwose. the blog page should have interesting advert, or something that will make them inerested. e.g for TC it should have like good banner that says "Get a FREE Professional Online CV now".


So how did we add value using newsletter?

a. we contacted our database so tehy remember us that we exist

b. we invited them to our website to see what we have

c. we showed them something interesting on our site for them to do

d. so altogether we have ENGAGED our audience.


I think you can now see how critical this is.


Please take over and be fully responsible for this duty.


This duty is only 1 time per week. we do not send newsletter every day. only 1 time per week. MAXIMUM 2 time per week. so it is a very small task but very important for ADDING LONG TERM VALUE.


please ensure you have obtained everythign you need to do this task - from me and you are ready to start doing this task within 1 week.

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Task Not Complete

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