TC - using Mailchimp for mass emailing
Assigned To:
Assign By Admin On 2022-12-12
Deadline:- 992 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 992 Days Ago
Task Details :-
Hi Daniel,
send mass email using mailchimp or any other software is a very critical technique for TC and SI.
in teh past i have managed this, now i would like you to take over and i want this to be a core part of HR function. because HR should have overview of everything going on in the company, stories within the company, good things happening within the company and around us. all tehse are "things to write about in a newsletter".
so how does it work? i dont mean how the software works. i mean the VALUE adding part.
1. you write a blog post on teh blog.
2. you make a newsletter on mailchimp or whatever software you choose to use, and you copy FIRST PART of thsi blog into the newsletter.
3. the newsletter will have a link that says "Continue Reading" or "Read More"
4. you send out this newsletter to the database. anyone who is interested will click teh link to come to the blog page and read.
What is teh benefit of coming to the blog page? now you ahve invited people to visit your website and brwose. the blog page should have interesting advert, or something that will make them inerested. e.g for TC it should have like good banner that says "Get a FREE Professional Online CV now".
So how did we add value using newsletter?
a. we contacted our database so tehy remember us that we exist
b. we invited them to our website to see what we have
c. we showed them something interesting on our site for them to do
d. so altogether we have ENGAGED our audience.
I think you can now see how critical this is.
Please take over and be fully responsible for this duty.
This duty is only 1 time per week. we do not send newsletter every day. only 1 time per week. MAXIMUM 2 time per week. so it is a very small task but very important for ADDING LONG TERM VALUE.
please ensure you have obtained everythign you need to do this task - from me and you are ready to start doing this task within 1 week.
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete
I have all SI related documents (from 2012, when i joined i SI) stored in google drive with a Staff India gmail address. If you remember last year i sent you a word file which contains all the credentials, links etc. That document have my gmail credentials too. So even if i am not here you will have access.
You still need to provide me clean emails.
document looks well structured mate.
of course when soneone starts using it you will find holes/areas that need filling in which case you will update the odcument as and when required.
So please store this stuff in a CENTRALISED place where we will be building and adding our core systems and processes.
Steve I have updated the emails on teh ebay automation.
use this automation as a starting basis for all atuomations as teh first set of sequences will be the same. just the email content will need to change.
Hello Rob,
I just finished the documentation. Pleease find attached.
I tried to coved everything, every angle. But if you think i still need to add anything else please do let me know.
DownloadSure i will get it done.
Steve somethign i almost forgot, its very crtical.
VIA the mailerlite API - we need ot add any new customer enquiry that is coming thorugh our website - INTO the Staff India New Enquiry list.
please get a developer to add this for you. there are a few form on staff and that take the customer enquiry details -so teh code will need to be added to all the forms to ensure all data is coming into the audience list via the API.
hey steve no worries i know your mind was distracted yesterday - i can tell :-)
pop up - this is not essential at the moment but a good thing to add if its simple and not intrusive. why are you thinking of adding a pop up? for what business purpose?
auto resend - this isnt neceeary becasue we can just send a follow up email by specifying the people who didnt open the email. i think you can see there will be several branched to this automation? see sample image
Ill check the extra email in the automation and update teh content. i think thats enough for this automation, lets get other automations setup as well with 5 emails.
after that you wil have a clear idea of the process involved - and you can create a PROCESS document for someone to just follow and implement.
Hello Rob,
I am sorry for today's miscommunication. I guess i was distructed in some way and couldnt think streight.
I fully understand whats my main goal with mailchimp. I will try achieve the following
1. business objective (Get maximum people to read emails)
2. Our mailerlite will be 100% systematic. Anyone just need to add contents and automation/workflow will do the rest.
Please check "EBAY Automation" on mailerlight. Added 5 emails. This will cover more then a month. This is a simply a flow chart. If you just look at it you will understand what i am trying to achieve. Plus you need to edit texts on these mails.
Let me know if you have any more ideas that i can apply.
remember these 2 objective mate:
1. business objective
"GET MAXIMUM People to Read the emails"
2. execution objective
to automate our email sending in a systematic and risk free way so that once the system is established i can hand over to a DA, DA will just need to write and send
steve below are answers for you:
1. you need to replicate tehse emails 1 by one on mailerlite. but of couse you shold only do about first 3 weeks for each audience category i mentioned. and then after all are ready, day by day you can add remaining emails to the atuomation.
you need to do it 1 by 1 rather than importing because :
some emails need to change - for which reason i will need to collaborate with you to review teh email content form a business angle. and you will implement it in mailerlite from a technical angle and make sure user is receiving it perfectly, layout well etc.
2. client ex clients - the content i will need to give you mate, tehres a science behind these email content, we cant just sned any email to them. so again you will need to check wiht me the content.
already we have some emails on mailchimp, you just need to check with me for each one.
Audiences explanation:
accountant, charities, - we wont use this now. later we will setup automation for this.
curr clients = clients we have worked with in teh past
LinkedIn - this one needs to be setup and running - they are my linked in contacts
monster trial - this can be combined wiht curr clients
staff india update - combine with curr clients
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Hello Rob,
Please forward me credentials for mailerlite account that you have created.
Hello Rob,
Please forward me credentials for mailerlite account that you have created.
steve, there are 4 automations we need to begin with:
1. for ebay stores
2 for amazon stores (these both will be very similar - mainly the word ebay and amazon will eb changed in teh emails
3. clients who enquire through our website
4. ex-clients - ex-enquiries need to remind them about us again
attached is the email series for (3) to help you get the idea of what will be happenign in these email automations. of course you will implement this one.
Downloadhey steve ive created teh free account. please get started and implement this.
2 things that we are focusing on initially:
1. importing 100 EBAY STORE contacts per day - you will need to access the mailchimp account and export the contacts from there - daniel has details on this.
2. setup the automation email sequence - you will find the ebay store automation on mailchimp - just replicate this. BUT... confirm each email with me before composing it on mailerlite.
** the good thing about an automation is that you dont need to write all the emails at once. you can write just some emails, and start the automation - and keep adding more emails to the automation day by day.
the email content is critical this is where i will need to participate -so please confirm each email content with me, as many will be changed/updated.
Hello Rob,
You dont need to signup now. It offers 1K subscribers free. Lets use the free plan few days and observe. Then when subscriber is over 1K then you can purchase.
Hey Steve,
this looks perfect. its almost identical to mailchimp.
i like the forms which can be added to website this will be useful.
lets get started on this. ill sign up and give you teh access to implement this, so that emails can starte sending literally next day.
i am most interested in teh automation so that we setup the email sequence and let this run all the time.
Hello Rob,
After all my research i shortlisted 2 tools. and mailerlite.
Both tools functionality is almost same. Offers same facilities. The things we are aiming to achive, both tools can provide provide.
But there are some issues with, their IP's are not clean. I have created 3 accounts on with 3 different email addresses and send test mails. All 3 IP's are on few blacklist. As a result around 30% mails didnt deliver and bounce back. I talked to their support and submitted ticket to see if they can provide clean Ip with additional cost. But their support is not good. Still no reply from them on my multiple tickets.
So i shift my focus on mailerlite. This is an excellent tool. Have all the functionality we are aiming to achive.
1. You can create attractive campaigns easily with few clicks
2. add subscribers easily either through csv, excel sheet or can be imported directly from mailchimp
3. You can create multiple groups with your subscribers and send mails to specific group.
4. You can schedule email sending easily.
5. You can create your own workflow through automation. Config sequence etc.
6. You can monitor who opened your mail, who unscribed, who mark our mail as spam, who clicked on links attached to newsletter etc and many other things was a little bit cheaper but as IP's are not clean so cant use it.
mailerlite offers 1K subscribers and 12K mails/month free. After that for 5k subscribers $29, 10k subscribers $47. This is comaretively cheaper then other popular tools like mailchimp,sendinblue etc.
Please see the video i have created for you and share your thought with me.
Hello Rob,
Please see my answers
1. The tools i am considering (sender, mailchimp,mailerlite,mailmeteor etc) all have dead/out of use detection algorithm. So i dont think we should pay extra to neverbounce, mailtrack, mailshake, lemlist etc
2. sender, mailchimp,mailerlite,mailmeteor have this option. In deshboard you can see who opens your mail, how many times,who marks our mail as spam etc
3. Sending regular emails are main features of sender, mailchimp,mailerlite,mailmeteor etc.
4. You can create 100's of automated mails and store them, schedule them, sequence them on sender, mailchimp,mailerlite,mailmeteor etc
Switching is actually very easy now a days. Allmost all companies have CSV upload function. Some even allow you to import from mailchimp. As we have subscribers on mailchimp we can import them with few clicks.
My suggestion would be start with something easy, popular and cost effective tool. Once we started we will observe and decide if we need a more sofisticated and expensive tool.
"send mails to turn them into potential customers in future. " - thats exactly why we are going to restart email marketing mate.
email marketing come with some key problems, here are some i can remember:
1. bounce - emails are dead/fake/out of use - this causes problems with spamming and
2. not knowing if receiver has opened email - read receipt etc
3. sending regular emails to teh user to remind them about us
4. having multiple emails automated so that you dont have to manually handle everyone.
yes we can switch later... but you will need to think about 'keeping the switching easy'.
Hello Rob,
neverbounce, mailtrack, mailshake, lemlist all are not actually just email sending tools. The offer various services like email cleaning for both inbound/outbound, low bounce rate, lead generation etc. And these services are very expensive actually. The lowest starts at $60 per month. These are actually for marketers who needs to send thousands of thousands mails daily and have to track each send mails to turn them into potential customers in future.
I think these are not yet required for us. We need something basic to start with. Sending newsletters each week to limited subscribers. When we are in the position to send thousands of email per day then we will need such tool.
Hello Rob,
Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into all these tools.Actually I have list of my own so will compare all.
Almost all tools use their own technique so send our mess emails. And all claims their tool helps reducing failure/bounce rate. Some provide additional info like which email marks our email as spam,from which addresses our email bounces etc.
Actually they use valid DKIM and SPF records to make sure sending mail address is clean. The same technique (DKIM and SPF) i applied on all of our domains to make sure maximum email delivery.
neverbounce? i think it helps clean email address?
mayn tools like this will help reduce failure/bounce rates?
mailtrack - seems intersting for this purpose
here are 3 more sites i came across for you to evaluate:
i would suggest watching a short youtube tuturial on each tool and then comparing pricing - to give you a clear idea of benefits.
Thanks for the clarification Rob. I understand.
but the point now is... this isnt happening... because we are nto using mailchimp AND people keep changing so i kinda of stopped retraining people.
basically this time we will automate and make thsi happen regardless of who is assigned the work.
that is a good point steve, but i structured thsi different some time back - which is the blog would be sent via a mailing software, because sending lots of emails directly from us causes spam issues.
so basically... this wasnt happenig:
1. blog posted on page
2. write the blog summary in mailchimp with READ MORE button
3. send thsi summary by mailchimp to full database. ADD it to sequence so when new subscriber join they will get thsi post as well when they reach the que/time.
4. interested user clicks READ MORE to come to teh website blog page to read.
Thanks mate.
I need to ask another thing. Suppose in TC when we post a job advert, all the job seekers who are in the TC database gets a mail. Is it possible to do same for SI? When we post a new blog all in the SI database gets an email?
I am not sure if its possible. Or you might have already thought about it?
Thanks mate.
I need to ask another thing. Suppose in TC when we post a job advert, all the job seekers who are in the TC database gets a mail. Is it possible to do same for SI? When we post a new blog all in the SI database gets an email?
I am not sure if its possible. Or you might have already thought about it?
its all good steve. ask as many qustions as you like. as you know i always like getting questions it helps us work better.
Thanks for the clarification mate. lot clear to me now. It will help me a lot for my research.
As you know this is completely new field for me, so i might ask many questions,some questions might looks very silly at the beginning. But as my knowledge will increase over the time, i will ask fewer things.
hey steve, below are your answers:
1. we can start with th minimum subscribers on teh low paackage - as we get better at doing teh email marketing stuff we can increase the package to add more subscribers.
2. mailchimp had a clever way of sending from their stmps but when customer would reply the reply would come to my inbox and also be updated on mailchimp on this clients records - so i think mailchimp would receive the reply, update their system and then forward the email onto my direct email.
Hello Rob,
1.What will the initial subscriber numbers? arould 2-3K? Number of subscribers are big part in terms of pricing. For example if your subscriver list is around 2K, price/permonth will be around $10. But if subscriber list is arouk 3K then price/permonth will be around $20 or even higher. So its important to determine how many subscriber we should be aiming for.
2. So with mailchimp when you were sending mails to subscribers, they were receiving mails from email address?
hey steve, good qeustions:
1. i have up to 10,000 customers i want to add. but we will add tehm little by little which will be somethign i explain later. e.g. 100 sbuscribers daily.
2. miailchimp usese its own smtp stuff - which is why if your emails are bad and they bounce too much then mailchimp ban. but i didnt face this issue because i was adding subscriber slowly to keep the bounce problems or spam problems low.
Using gmail is also fine with the restriction - of course teh trip is to have /use multiple gmail accounts :-)
Ok undrstood.
I have been doing my own research on ESP(Email Service provider) along with mailchimp, sendinblue,saleshandy,mailmeteor( the one's you and daniel discusses previously).
There are 2 most important factors in all mail sending tool. Number of subscribers and number of mails to send per month.Many tool allows 2-3K mail free but number of subscribers restricted for 250-500. I need few information from you for my further research.
1. How many subscribers (prospect email address) we have in our database?
2. In the past when you used to send mails from mailchimp, what email address you have used to send emails? staff-india email or gmail? Because gmail have restriction of its own, cant send more then 500 emails daily.
Hey steve,
TC users is just an example of a audeinc. there was actually 2 task with same instrutions. one for SI and one for TC.
the objective is same which si to send regular email to prospects using an affordable and suitable email tool.
there are some email tools that allow you to setup all your emails one time, and it will send them automatically according to the schedule (e.g. every friday). so anytime you add more prospect to teh list, they will join this automation as well.
i have used mailchimp forthis in teh past but they became very expensive.
Hello Rob,
I was going through the conversations between you and Daniel. I have a quick question.
Why you are considering TC users as target audience? All most all users of TC are BD job seeker people. And as we dont have any plans with TC in near future i am not sure what benifit we will gain sending newsletters to TC users.
steve see the attached summary which is latest from daniel
DownloadBoss, I've read different articles and watched different videos on it. The service seems like the service of other cloud e-mail service providers/mail-server( exactly not like the email marketing sites) and Alibaba uses this platform to help their business customers.
But, I would like to take a little time to gather more information on it and after that, I will reach back to you.
daniel look into this and understand what this is, looks useful:
Sorry boss, for the late reply( I was busy with Oliver's client and a few other hiring and internal tasks).
I opened two separate Gmail accounts to see whether these work for free MailChimp marketing and found that free email campaigns can be started with the new Gmail IDs.
1. to use new Gmails to run a free campaign from mailchimp( but we should change the Gmail ID once we get out of the sending limit).
2. Using Malmeteor ( paid version- as you instructed earlier) for mass emailing.
I am looking forward to your further instruction.
hi Daniel whats the update on this?
ok boss, ..I will be updtaing you on it t asap ( within tomorow ) . I would like to make a try to check mailchimp again.
mailchimp - yes 10k free emails, but there is a limitation.. if you have XXX number of contacts up loaded tehy want to charge you. so i think in our mailchimp account we already have many thousand - so how do we move to free option? because i think they want to charge us if we want to send email - and their fees is very high.
if you can make mailchimp work for us then we can use mailchimp. otherwise we will need to consider mailmeteor
I have reviewed all the suggested platforms for email marketing and found the following reviews:
SalesHandy: Yes you are right they have plenty of additional services including email testing or LinkedIn marketing,, but their price seems higher to me. Their pricing plan starts from $25/month and with which we can't send more than 1600 emails/day. please see the details from the link below:,is%20of%201600%20emails%20daily.
Mailometer: This site seems an ideal platform for us because it allows 2000 emails daily for $10/ month only. This package also includes using 3 alias, Auto follow-up service, bounce detection, and so on...please see the details from the link below:
MailerLite: I've found this another interesting and recommended site for our email campaign. This site allows 12000/month emails in their free campaign and unlimited monthly emails with the package of $10/month. Please find below the details:
The above three seem interesting to me compared to their pricing and services. Please let me know your instructions on these.
But, I also recommend using MailChimp free version with separate emails because by doing so we can ensure 10000 free mailings/month from a single account
But about Gmass- they don't have any A/B testing feature and we can send only 2000 emails with the subscription of $19/month.So, I think in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, I think Malemeteor will be better than Gmass.
I will send a Comparision table to you among all of them along with the previous proposals.
here is anotehr one for only $10 per month. this has daily limite of 2000 but thats enough for us.
chekc this option as well, they ahve add on package ofr VERIFYING email address before sending. this is a good feature that will help eliminate bad emails before sending:
Ok boss, I will let you know the update ASAP.
hi Daniel,
This is a follow on from your resarch you did on mass emailing.
check out G MASS. its a built in app on crhome. compare this with your best option you proposed in yoeu reseaerch and let me know the conclusion on which you prefer, G MASS or the other one you suggested.
TC Login:
pass: Tc2019***
In audience menu is all the TC users that were uploaded to mailchimp. there is a method to upload emails slowly otherwise mailchimp will block teh account if you add too many customer data all at once.
here is link to a video i made long time ago. the user interface has changed little bit but the using principle is still teh same:
if you are unsure how to do something check on internet for tutorials, and check with me to ensure it is ok to do it. there are some things i learn from experience that we shouldnt do to avoid get blocked by mail providers.
Thank you boss, It will help me to learn the whole things quickly. I need the following credential and information to start working:
1. Email ID: From which IDs( Tc and SI) I need to send email to audience( will you provide me IDs or I will have to create new ones for the task)
2. Blog Credential( Hopefully can get these form Ronny and Oscar)
3. Email of target audience ( I think for TC I can use our existing data base of candidates as target audience, but for SI which audience should I select to send email)
NB: A complete video tutorial can help me to get the work instruction easily, so can you please do a favor for me to make a tutorial video on the total propcess?
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Hi Daniel, you dont need to do reasaerch on this. i will show you how to use it.
you need to ask me for what you need from me to get started on "sending emails" to our list. e.g. login details and anythign else you want from me
Boss, I understood the the task. It's realy very critical for us. I've started researching on the email marketng( newsletter through mailchimp) and founded it interesting as well.
So, I want to do more research on it for one more day and after that I will come to you with my by Monday