Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

make this fixes on giftgallery and other sites

Assigned To:
  1. Scott (
Assign By Admin On 2022-05-09
Deadline:- 869 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 869 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi scott,


check each comment on teh side and fix each item please. lots of small stuff need to be fixed.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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No Sub-task Added.

Task QA

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Comments  (20)

    Admin 16-02-2022 19:20:38

    ok good man this is good ideea to keep 90%.

    Scott 16-02-2022 16:14:53

    Hi Rob,
    Yes I have already completed these changes. I have kept the update task status to 90% so that I can remember the task when I am working on the other two sites,.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Admin 16-02-2022 13:39:22

    are all these things done yet mate?

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:11:04

    remove this underline on the price text in product details page.

    only the old price should have the line through.

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:08:33

    use this same green button instead of this red button.

    green button should be full width of container

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:07:33

    delivery is showing wrong on the order form.


    i remmber you changed this to 12aed before, im not sure why it is showing 6 aed.


    make it 12aed for all the sites.


    make sure the order summary is taking 12 aed delivery charge.

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:06:17

    you can see the price is wrong palce on product details page. so fix that.


    also add a green button order now same as shop4jeeellery.


    when user click this it will autoscroll to the form.

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:05:01

    use teh same font as in shop4jewellery


    also make the text on teh title bar readable. i cant read it.


    you can see on shop4jewellery it is clear to read even though it is small text

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:03:56

    remember to also add teh discount tag on product details page

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:03:18

    the title ORDER NOW on the order form should be colour #c4000

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:02:40

    all teh text on the order form need to be coour #424242

    Admin 13-02-2022 21:01:28

    if item is zero stock then show this Sold out button, same with this icon..



    Admin 13-02-2022 21:00:20

    make the text on teh butotn BOLD

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:57:21

    reduce the margin/padding on teh sides so that everythign is alighned same as the red title bar at the top.


    also make this title text 50% smaller. so if it is size 12 now then make it size 6.

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:56:27

     product details page have this problem, the thumnails should be aligned nicely below the main picture.

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:55:22

    these items are not aligned properly. check shop4jewrlley you will see the alignment is nice. fix thsi alignment so it is always at the bottom fo the picture.

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:54:26

    you added language selector but you didnt write "Choose Language" on all sites.

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:53:56

    add this same discount tag same as shop4jewellery on all other sites.


    you can caluate the discount easily by doing original price - offer price

    Admin 13-02-2022 20:53:07

    make these main price the red colour #C40000


    make the other grey colour for all the text, border etc into this dark grey colour: #424242. BUT NOT the text that has colour background like button, title bar etc - that must stay white.
