Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

give anotehr button for VIEW product page

Assigned To:
  1. Scott (
Assign By Admin On 2022-02-18
Deadline:- 870 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 870 Days Ago

Task Details :-

when user click this butotn it will show the product details page for the product. so admin can see what teh page is looking like when he is updated the details fo the product.


do this for all the qaraz websites.

Attach File :-

File: 1


Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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No Sub-task Added.

Task QA

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Comments  (3)

    Scott 18-02-2022 17:24:15

    Completed this task for jewelleryshop4u and qarzdeals site as well.

    Admin 16-02-2022 13:36:13

    ok this is simple and done. make the percent to 100%. i will makr this as completed.

    Scott 15-02-2022 17:31:38

    updated. when admin clicks on the view butotn it'll take the admin to the products details page.
