Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

auto email to subscribers

Assigned To:
  1. Mac (
Assign By Admin On 2022-08-02
Deadline:- 740 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 740 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Scott,


on FM club site, user can subscribe in 2 ways:

1. via doing a registration as a user

2. via newsletter sign up option


both subscribe method should be saving teh user data in teh same table. but the table should have a column to show which option the customer used to do subscribe e.g you can have column called OPTION - and 0 = registered user, 1 = newsletter subscriber 3 = something else. etc.


firstly please check this is in the coding, maybe it has 2 different tables currently for email sbuscriber and registered user - this is also fine.


SO NOW.... when a new TRADER POST is added to the blog form admin panel we need to send an automatic email to ALL SUBSCRIBER.

the email will look like the document attached.


I will suggest you use CRON job for this, because if the dtabase grows to thousands of users, then it will hamper the server, so use cron job to send 200 emails every hour after posting a blog post.


Let me know if you ahve any questions by adding comment to thsi task so we can keep track fo the task discussion.

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Comments  (18)

    Mac 25-07-2022 16:02:48


    good day, hope you are well.

    i added SIGNAL subscriber data into the subscribe table as Signal Subs.

    I attached an image.

    Thank you.

    Mac 20-07-2022 16:48:23


    i have a task : Signal Page Summary Banner. i want to do it first.

    i'll do SIGNAL subscriber task after doin the Signal Page Summary Banner task.

    Thank you.

    Mac 20-07-2022 16:27:12

    Thank you ,

    ok i'm doing this now.

    Admin 20-07-2022 16:11:45

    ok tgis is good explanaiton and screenshot. now it is clear.


    HOWEVER there is a third case.

    the case of SIGNAL subscriber. they also need to receive auto email.

    means when user sbuscribe to SIGNAL - their data also need to eb inser  into teh SAME TABLE as newsletter and registration.

    Mac 20-07-2022 15:59:03


    I attached two image.

    In the DB-Table image,

    If a user registration as a user or subscribe via newsletter the both subscribe method will save the user data in the same table called subscribes table.

    And if the user registration as a user it will show Register in the subscriber_from column and if the user subscribe via newsletter it will show Newsletter in the subscriber_from column.


    and the second screenshot of the email the user will receive,

    when a new TRADER POST is added to the blog form admin panel an automatic email will send to ALL SUBSCRIBER'S.

    Admin 20-07-2022 12:04:04

    so how can i know what you ahve done? you didnt show me.


    show me screenshot fo the table that is having the column OPTION.


    show me a screenshot of the email the user will receive.


    Mac 19-07-2022 23:01:14


    Good day, hope you are well.

    The task is complete. 

    The reason for late submiting this task:

    1. I use 3 table data to complete this task.

    2. i faced some problems to design the email template because there is some limit to design the template.

    Thank you.

    Mac 14-07-2022 15:14:03


    i don't do the auto mail because you said that IGNORE CRON JOB. no need for CRON JOB now

    i was think there is no need to do auto mail system. Sorry for this.

    now i'll do it.

    all user will get auto email when add new post.

    Admin 14-07-2022 12:53:24

    HI Mac,


    is this task done?


    which user will get auto email? and for which post items? you need to clarify to me.

    Mac 27-06-2022 14:55:57

    Thank you for your guidance, I'll try my best and do my work in a smart way.

    Admin 25-06-2022 12:17:43

    as i said mate ASK scott or OSCAR for existing code. most likely they wrote this emailing code already in other pages or other websites.


    please do time wasting work, you need to work smart and think about the best way and simple way of doing work. i am guiding you to become better developer. and how better developer should be doing things.

    Mac 23-06-2022 20:44:25


    I wrote new code because I couldn't find this related code anywhere.

    I wanted,  just email and name data will go to the subscribe table along with the user table. when someone registers. 

    when I wrote the code it works.

    but today I check that it throws an error when someone first signup via newsletter and then creates an account via the registration form using the same email it throws an error for duplicate data.

    it throws an error because the email id is already stored in subscribe table.

    I use conditions for solving the error.

    and Finally, it works properly.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Admin 23-06-2022 14:41:04

    HI Mac,


    sure you can have some more time.

    but i hope you are not writing all new code? you should be RE USING EXISTING CODE. 


    if you are unsure where these is existing code for doing teh same function just ask Scott or oscar.


    by RE USING existing code it will save you lots of time and hassle.


    ALSO IGNORE CRON JOB. no need for CRON JOB now.

    Mac 22-06-2022 23:28:23


    I need some more time to finish this job because I've never done this before.

    but I have done some part:

    both subscribe method will save the user data in the same table (in subscribe table)

    when a person registers, all their data will go to the user table and only the name and email will go to the subscriber table along with it.

    and there's a column that lets you know if the subscribers are from the register or from the newsletter.

    I'll be thankful, if you give me a feedback.

    Mac 14-06-2022 16:39:59


    I have no experience in laravel.

    First i will do the php tasks.

    Then i will learn laravel and i'll try to do the laravel tasks.

    Sammy 10-05-2022 22:51:49

    i have received task today while i was doing another task which is new interface of staff-india website.

    i have done to setup my task (auto email to subscribers ) on local server also maintain backup file. i will definitely going to work on it from tomorrow.

    Thank you.

    Scott 17-03-2022 18:00:13

    I have written a code that I'll take the required infromations from the registration table to the newsletter table, so that all the registered and subscribed emails are placed in one place. so that all the email and names are collected. Also I am working on the Email Template according to the instructions given.