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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Forum Chatting

Assigned To:
  1. Ronny (
Assign By Admin On 2022-02-10
Deadline:- 717 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 717 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Ronny,


I would like you to dedicate 1 hour doing FORUM chatting.


This is what you will do:


1. find forums where small businesses are chatting / discussion about different topics

2. you will check each conversation to see if there is anything that OUTSORUCING CAN HELP. for example, if there is discussion about "how to reduce business cost". or there is a disucssion about "how to hire staff"

3. in these conversations you will offer some advice about outsourcing by suggesting the readers that they can do outsourcing.

for example if the topic is "how to reduce business cost" and people are discussing different ways, you can write something like:

"Hi everyone, did you think about outsourcing some of your work? instead of hiring all your staff in UK, there are some good companies that let oyu hire staff abroad that are dedicated to you. i've used a company before call My Virtual People, you can check I hope this helps you."


do you get the idea mate?


id like you to update me on your forum work each day, but you need to find a smart way of updating me so that i can easily see what discussion you are participating and what you are writing on teh discussion - this way i can guide you if you are doing something wrong.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (6)

    Ronny 10-02-2022 19:13:40

    Sure Sir.

    Admin 10-02-2022 18:26:19

    please make a googlesheet where you can update which site you are making comment on, the login details, the discussion link etc.


    this way when other people start doing teh same thing we can keep track of the work easily.


    if you are unsure how to create a suitable report for tracking this ask your manager for help.

    Ronny 10-02-2022 12:35:00
    Ronny 10-02-2022 12:34:44
    Ronny 10-02-2022 12:33:31

    Sir, I was sick for the last 2 weeks and worked from home. Therefore, just continue on the content writing task. However, posted a few comments on the forum. I am uploading those here. I will start working again on this task. But, the main problem is I am not finding the sites or forums where the UK business is chatting or discussing. If you provide any specific sites or any ways to find the forums that would have been really helpful for me.

    Admin 09-02-2022 17:42:49

    Hi Ronny,


    have you started this?