Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

office inventory

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2022-02-10
Deadline:- 1741 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1741 Days Ago

Task Details :-



i have requested you to update teh WM inventory many many times. but still its not done properly with every IT equipment in the office.


when are you going to do this? and why do i need to keep chasing you for this?


as a manager you job is to make my job easy. it is not my job to chase you anymore mate. it is your job to get the work done and maintain everythign in perfect order.


maybe you think the inventory isnt so important- taht is wrong. because i know when i start looking at it, i will start finding lots of losses for teh company. will you be responsible for this and take a cut from your pay to cover teh loss? i dont think you will be happy with this.


So kindly get this done and update this Task regularly with the progress of the inventory. i need this on WM within 2 weeks, as i am coming to bd and i dont want to waste my valuable time chasing this kind of stuff.


thanks.. Rob

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (9)

    Admin 10-02-2022 21:32:00

    ok cool. ill browse this section as well as i want to get an overview of what we have. i will makr this task as completed, but please maintain teh inventory fully. thanks

    Steve 10-02-2022 21:29:33

    Hello Rob,

    Yes it would be very easy. I will browse spare section of the Inventory list and export the list in spreadsheet.

    Admin 10-02-2022 18:34:49

    ok thats good. so if i ask you for a summary of "what inventory we have unused" you can give me that easily in a simple way without spending too long trying ot make a spreadsheet?

    Steve 09-02-2022 19:30:47

    Hello Rob,

    Yes this is maintained properly. I personally update the Inventory each time we purchase any Item, assign any equipment from store room to employees,Move any item to storeroom etc. Also IT executives check all inventory monthly. Inventory is on WM now. So its get easier to check

    Admin 09-02-2022 19:10:20

    hi Steve,


    i wanted to check wiht you that this is still being maintained and up to date?

    Admin 24-09-2019 17:39:43

    cool ill check as soon as i can. but i need to be able to trust you to do it without me checking and finding errors mate.

    Steve 22-09-2019 23:04:47

    Hello Rob,

    The task is almst finished. All the equipments are added in the WM inventory. I just need to do some modification, add filter, add complete inventory download oprion and inventory will be 100% complete. I will finish the task within tomorrow.

    You can check the inventory now and if you have suggestion then let me know please.

    Admin 12-09-2019 16:30:28

    thats fine ill extend teh deadline. but the point is you have had over 4 months to do this mate. you delibereately neglected this very very important thing. im not sure why you wouldnt care about this, and risk making loss for hte company due to items being stolen, lost or damaged.

    Steve 12-09-2019 14:13:58

    Hello Rob,

    I am in Dhaka for last 2 weeks. I will be back on Sunday. Inventory have to be added to WM with pictures. SO we have to do it on weekends as i have to ask all IT executives to come and help me with this.

    As i will be back to Sylhet to 15th, and next weekend is on 21th and 22th, so i will complete this on 22th. The deadline is 20th. But considering my situation i hope you will allow 2 days of deadline extension.