Write a few case studies
Assigned To:
Assign By Admin On 2019-09-12
Deadline:- 1973 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1973 Days Ago
Deadline:- 1973 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1973 Days Ago
Task Details :-
Hi Ross,
here is a sample case study that i want you to follow the template of; https://www.taskeater.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Taskeater_Case-Study-Dating-App-1.pdf
write a few case studies (1 page) very similar to this, for some of our client works.
this is an ongoing task until completed, please upload your case studeis on this TASK regualrly when you write them. all must be complted before teh deadline.
i will use these case studies on our wbsite for our clietns to read and gain some confidence in us.
Task Current Status :-
Task Not Complete
maybe you didnt understand teh importanceof this task of why you need to do it?
let me explain.
putting on such case studies on our website shows our visitors what sort fo stuff we are doing in a realistic way. because it is a case study of a client.
this means when a client is reading this, they will feel more confident about using us. the biggest problem of outsourcing to banglaesh is that western companies dont trust bangladesh system and its people.
so you see this is a strategic step for long term benefit. so this is a very important task i hope oyu can see.
oh dear... here we go with anotehr excuse.
outlook reminder is irrelevant, you are a head in this company, but yet you dont care to use teh systems i produce for us to use. if the heads dont use the tools like TM how can we expect our staff to use them? this is shameful man.
Sorry mate, I completely lost track of this task,
all my outlook reminders messd up after moving to the new laptop.
I will finish this up shortly
whats teh update on this krish?
failing on other simple things that i am assignign you as well? do i really need to chase you mate?
any kind of progress on this Krish?
this is supposed to be background work that we work on together to build some material for the company.
i hope you are taking this seriously buddy, its time for you guys to stop being mechanical managers who just oversee staff, and time to start "ADDING VALUE TO THE COMPANY". Im taking you guys to a whole new level.
I would suggest you do 1-2 case studies per week. its just a one page document., so its not hard and doesnt take too much time.
Got you, I am on it
yes thats teh aim of the case study. to show reader how we have benefited our clients.
you kow what clients we have had in teh past and currently have. so lets write about them and add them to our website.
Hi Rob,
I have read the sample Case study.
In that sample it sounds more like they are actually showing off how their perticuler solution benefited the client..
Please allow me some time to come up with a draft for review.