Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Explore towerdata

Assigned To:
  1. Krish (
Assign By Admin On 2019-10-29
Deadline:- 1874 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1874 Days Ago

Task Details :-



chekc this site out:


signup for a free trial and play around wiht teh software.


see if it will be useful for us to buy this software.


let me know your conclusions and justify it.


im giving this to you to make a decision on wether we use it or not.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (8)

    Admin 08-06-2019 13:07:52

    either you do this stuff properly, or just tell me that you dont want to do it mate. im not going to waste my time pushing you anymore.


    you will either be the manager you need to be, or you will just fail yourself.

    Admin 08-06-2019 13:07:14

    23 days overdue on a very simple pieces of softawre. i dont get it krish. you are proving to me that you are careless with "adding value to the company" as you are not taking these sort of assignments seriously.

    Admin 20-05-2019 13:22:36

    lets bring this case to a conslusion by exploring is quikly and identify what benefit it can have to us mate. 4 days overdue already.

    Krish 18-05-2019 02:49:15

    Strange! I didnt mark it 100% last time! 
    anyway I fixed it now. 

    Sorry Mate I didnt reach any conclusion on this yet. 
    Its still open. 

    Admin 17-05-2019 12:57:56

    this task isnt 100% complete. because there has been no conclusion. so im not sure why you updated it to 100% dude.


    i really dont want a headache man, just conclulde teh task correctly i dont think i need to break this down any futher.


    and no you ahvent concluded it in your previous messages. you just said you have another software which you didnt tell me nothing about.


    and neither did you advise me whether we should use the software or not and how beneficial it will be for us.

    Krish 17-05-2019 02:53:17

    " it tests their email on the fly to see if it is a real or  fake."

    I am aware of it mate, didnt mention it seperately as it falls under 'validation' feature that I mentioned. 

    Admin 16-05-2019 12:33:53

    ok show me the other tool you found advise me if we should use it and why.


    with tower data you missed a trick - it allows you to integrate this into your website, so taht when someone signs up - it tests their email on the fly to see if it is a real or  fake.

    Krish 16-05-2019 06:15:05


    I didnt sign up for this service, because I know what it is. 
    The price looks expensive. 

    for email validation it is charging $0.01 means $100 per 10000
    I was looking for such service few weeks back for our C level data/Tina. Ross helped me out finding one much cheaper 
    That offers 12K email validation at $49 per month or so. 
    I can search it again if you like. 

    however, What I found interesting about them is, the features below 
    #Email Intelligence [$0.01 per email]
    # Website Visitor Identification [requires min $250, $0.03 per ID]
    # Mobile Device Matching [requires min $500, $0.05 per ID]

    These feature sounds good for targeting. but quite expensive though. 

    Over to you