Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Small project - FM Club site

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2022-02-09
Deadline:- 1496 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1496 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Anthony,


Your task is described below. Understand the task and complete this within 1 week.

You should ask me any questions you have to avoid making any mistake.



Task details:



  1. Use one of these templates – the one that you like:


  1. Remake this website using the template you choose:

the design on this website is very bad. So I want to see you improving it in your remake on the new template.


  1. You will keep all the pages static, no need to do any function. I just want to see you remake all these pages on this existing website CORRECTLY and PROFESSIONALLY into the new template.


  1. Make the Learning Centre page dynamic
    1. As you can see this page is like a blog. The website owner will post some lesson, and the website visitor can post a comment.
    2.  BUT user cannot see the details of each post without logging in.
    3. This means you will need to give option for user to register and open a free account to be able to view the details of each post in the learning centre.


  1. You will add a new menu item called MY PORTFOLIO
    1. User cannot view this page without logging in.
    2. When user enters this page, they will see a summary of the shares they are WATCHING.
    3. This summary needs to be easy to look at, professional and user friendly. Check share price app on your phone for some ideas.
    4. The user can add items to the watch list by searching from a drop down list of share names.
    5. The share names will be for the Dow Jones Industrial Average 30 – so you need to find that list of shares.
    6. Your watch list will retrieve the current share price from other website that is providing this information real time.
    7. When the user login to view the watchlist it must retrieve the CURRENT share price
    8. The user will have BUY & SELL action button on each item on the watch list.
    9. If they click buy or sell, you will keep record of what price they did buy sell.
    10. You will include a separate table, looking like watch list, but it will show the profit or loss for each item the user did buy or sell.



So this is a very simple project, but it requires you to do thinking. And it requires you to ask me questions about any confusion.


You will show me the website by uploading to test server (speak to Max aobut this he will give you instructions).

You will also send me a video tutorial to show me how everything is working – with voice explanation of everything.  (max can explain this)


Good luck.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

Sub Task(s):

No Sub-task Added.

Task QA

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Comments  (33)

    Derek 04-05-2020 22:58:30

    i've fixed this task.

    Admin 02-05-2020 13:10:12

    do the same for traders desk menu, put these cateogries dynamcialy in the menu

    Derek 27-04-2020 23:03:07

    DONE both tasks.

    Admin 27-04-2020 16:58:25

    these categories should be showing in the menu.



    remove all these sub menu items, and show these dynamci categories in this menu.

    Admin 27-04-2020 16:19:57

    all hte post list in admin panel need to be showing newest item first. so order by date DESC

    Derek 27-04-2020 14:56:23

    if you try to use PUBLIC in the url , you will get this type of broken website.

    Derek 27-04-2020 14:55:49

    Derek 27-04-2020 14:55:35

    i think you are facing previous website cache. i've added screenshot. there is no this error and there is no PUBLIC url.

    please cache your browsers cache

    Admin 26-04-2020 19:00:30

    as you can see the admin panel is still not working on main website.


    and it is still using /public/ folder.


    do i need to waste more time on this? or are you going to fx this properly?

    Derek 24-04-2020 17:26:05

    website URL :

    Admin URL :

    kindly check website and admin from these links. i moved in right place. please do any post from main domain admin and it will show properly in website . As per i checked.


    this is the test admin of financial market :

    i've moved on main domain.

    Admin 24-04-2020 15:16:46

    do this properly derek. dont waste my time again.


    it should be





    also this admin link is not working in the domain.


    kindly do the work properly and dont give me rubbish false update mate.

    Derek 23-04-2020 22:55:29

    Hi Rob,

    I've moved all files on yesterday. because of server crash i was unable to work on old files. need to move again and fixing all things. just need to work on admin panel tomorrow.

    please need your next instructions to proceed.

    Derek 21-04-2020 22:56:07

    i've updated files here :

    i've checked all things are running properly. i will chekc admin files tomorrow

    Admin 21-04-2020 13:29:48



    make teh website fully working and live on teh domain


    from now we will work on the live website.


    make it live, test it to ensure everyhting is working - it should be showing exactly same like the test server.


    complete this today. and update me.

    Derek 16-04-2020 22:50:49

    Website all issues fixed as far as i checked. got some issues on admin panel i will work on them tomorrow and hope you will give me next instructions.

    Derek 15-04-2020 22:57:21

    I've fixed website issues on website as well as admin panel design , respoinsiveness issues fixing.

    please give me next instructions to proceed from tomorrow.

    Derek 14-04-2020 18:05:01

    ok. so i don't need to work on this TASK. i changed percentage into 50% and update you here about TASK .

    Admin 14-04-2020 18:00:47

    no no derek we are not changing the theme.

    i didnt give any new instruction to you. all previous messages are from previous developer. just ignore all that.

    Derek 14-04-2020 16:44:50

    I think is good to use.

    i will do all FM CLUB pages into new theme design.

    since you want to keep "learning " and "my portfolio" dynamic, may i keep existing these 2 pages functionaity with New

    theme design?

    Btw, i will do on test server and update you accordingly.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Admin 12-04-2020 19:26:06

    derek, you will update me about this project here on this task. please change the project PERCENTAGE to 50%.


    Stanley 30-10-2019 20:42:11
    Stanley 20-09-2019 17:29:05

    This page has some issue. Rob sir provided me some guideline. I am working on that.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/staffi7/ on line 1666
    Admin 20-09-2019 00:21:29

    is the MY PORTFOLIO section working perfectly and easy to use UI?

    Stanley 19-09-2019 23:02:35

    Here is my today's work:

    1. I have added responsive slider to the homepage.

    2. I have redesigned the slider with the template and also make it responsive.

    3. I have added and redesigned Welcome section in home page.

    4. I have added and redesigned Features section in home page.

    The link of Home page is below:

    Stanley 18-09-2019 22:54:14

    Here is my today's work.


    Stanley 18-09-2019 22:53:40

    1. I have tested registration page.

    2. I have fixed errors in registration page, there is many field for registration which was not in database before.

    3. I have redesigned My Portfolio Page as suggested by Max Sir.

    4. I have redesigned Stock Charts Page as suggested by Max Sir.

    5. I have fixed Learning Center Page redirect issue by using middleware with session message.

    6. I have redesigned the table with bootstrap striped table class in Dhaka Stock Exchange Page on Market Analysis menu.

    7. I have redesigned the table with bootstrap striped table class in New York Stock Exchange Page on Market Analysis menu.

    8. I have redesigned the table with bootstrap striped table class in Nasdaq Stock Exchange Page on Market Analysis menu.

    9. I have redesigned the table with bootstrap striped table class in Currencies Page on Market Analysis menu.

    10. I have redesigned the table with bootstrap striped table class in Commodities Page on Market Analysis menu.

    Stanley 18-09-2019 22:25:52

    Hi Sir,

    I have made several videos of the site.

    The link is given below. Please check it.

    1. Learning Center


    2. Market Analysis

    3. My Portfolio and Stock Charts

    4. Stock Charts

    Admin 12-09-2019 22:36:28

    stanley why did you make this task 100% when you have not completed thsi yet>?????? fix teh percentage and update thsi task correctly.

    Anthony 10-06-2019 16:11:03

    These are the links. I have created The whole Project  using Laravel framework. 


    Admin 10-06-2019 14:44:33

    send me a video to demonstrate your website mate. i hope everythign is working .

    Anthony 10-06-2019 14:35:06

    After finishing the task i have included the admin pannel and commens in the blog section. I have also included role in registration.