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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

send this email to OMj

Assigned To:
  1. Sam (
Assign By Admin On 2019-07-17
Deadline:- 1895 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1895 Days Ago

Task Details :-

hi Sam,


I need you to send an email to all OMJ freelancer with an email about thsi:


Limited Time offer - All exams are free for 2 weeks.


the aim is to get people doing other exams to add to their portfolio.

this email should be a TIME TEST or subjct test or seomthign else (speak to shawn about this). and it needs to be send within this week.


show me your email before you send please.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

Sub Task(s):

No Sub-task Added.

Task QA

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Comments  (25)

    Sam 18-07-2019 09:52:54

    The best time is 6am in the morning and after that its starts to fall.Now checking the days.

    Sam 18-06-2019 09:58:27

    The best open rates are from 7am to 11am in the morning and rest of the time it's not that great.

    Admin 12-06-2019 15:39:15

    each time oyu ahve concluded a TESt, let me know the result.

    adn then you decide what is the next test to do mate. your are not a robot so i dont want to keep telling you what to do.  time for you to be a true leader of your work and responsiblilty, and you decide what to do next.

    Sam 12-06-2019 12:22:30

    Ok I will keep testing the days now.

    Admin 11-06-2019 12:12:53

    if the HOUR testing is done and you ahve tested all hours, then you need to move onto DAY testing. to see which day of the week is most popular.


    e.g if 7am is best time, then text 7am for every day to see which day at 7pm give higher than 17% open rate.

    Sam 11-06-2019 08:14:45

    Yes so far have found the best open rate is at 7am and 6pm which is 17% in both cases for new campaigns.

    Admin 28-05-2019 18:34:24

    you should test EVERY HOUR of the day mate.


    e.g.  test 7am, 8am, 9am

    next email test 10am, 11am, 12am...



    until you find the best hour to send the email with the highest open rate.


    as i told you ebfore this testing doesnt work with Automation email, only for new campaigns you can do this testing.

    Sam 28-05-2019 12:27:07

    The open rate for exam email scheduled at 7 pm is 16.6% whereas for the reminder email is 13% at 7 am in the morning.

    So we can conclude that people open more emails in the evening than in the early morning.

    Admin 22-05-2019 13:03:08

    excellent this task is fully complete now.  let me know the open rate for each campaign and what test results were best.

    Sam 22-05-2019 10:16:36

    Sent a reminder email about the exam.

    Sam 20-05-2019 14:35:55

    Ok I will send another email to remind everyone of the test.

    Admin 20-05-2019 13:29:25

    rememebr to send a FOLLOW UP email this week, asking the candidate if they saw the email aobut free test period. and use a differnt subject to get higher open rate.


    this is basically a reminder for anyone who didnt read the email last week.

    Sam 20-05-2019 09:26:15

    The emails have been sent to all the freelancers.

    Sam 17-05-2019 14:20:14

    Sorry mate. I sent out today.

    Admin 17-05-2019 12:52:30

    mate this was supposed to be done 2 weeks ago man! i cant belive you left this unattended.


    send it out TODAY.


    Sam 17-05-2019 11:49:10

    I set the schedule in MailChimp but wants your approval for sending the newsletters from MailChimp. So the emails are not sending.

    You need to check and approve my schedules.

    Admin 29-04-2019 16:07:41

    and yet you set the task as 100% complete. thats wrong mate. please update teh TM corectly. as a manager you should be getting everythig rgiht.

    Admin 29-04-2019 16:06:37

    you hvent sent this email out yet mate. in  not sure what you are waiting for?

    Sam 29-04-2019 07:11:34

    Thanks for your update. yes I will keep testing myself to check which will be the best time to send emails.

    Admin 27-04-2019 11:44:53

    ok cool. but make sure you are always doing your own TESTS to find better times, better subjects, etc.

    Sam 26-04-2019 09:36:15

    Hi Rob,

    Yes, I spoke to Shawn and he informed me that the best time is in the early morning according to his tests.

    But as it has strict deadline he told me to do it in 3 phases morning, evening and late at night.

    I also showed him to check if everything was ok and he confirmed it was fine.

    Admin 25-04-2019 15:34:12

    and how did you decide on 7am and 7pm? are you using teh results of shawns tests to decide this stuff? or...?

    Sam 25-04-2019 14:22:26

    Thanks for your approval.

    I have scheduled it for tomorrow

    7am and 7pm.

    সীমিত সময়ের অফার- বিনামূল্যে সমস্ত পরীক্ষা 2 সপ্তাহের জন্য

    Admin 25-04-2019 11:37:32

    yes this is fine. go ahead and make this on mailchimp and let me know teh settings you will use to send this.

    e.g. what day

    what time

    what subject

    english to bengali



    Sam 25-04-2019 10:47:01

    Hi Rob

    I have attached the email which I have prepared for the newsletter to send to freelancer.

    Please can you check if it's ok.

