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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Running old slow laptops as thin clients on server

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2022-02-09
Deadline:- 1923 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1923 Days Ago

Task Details :-



i think you know about this already.


think about all the old laptops we have that are 2gb ram or less, and core2duo or less.


they can use used as thin clients with a server on teh backend that they run from.


investigate the solutiona and advise me on how you will do this and to how many machines.


heres an example:

do you own resaerch and find the best way to do this and report abck to me please.



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Comments  (9)

    Steve 12-06-2019 19:17:19

    Hello Rob,

    I already advised and instruct David to start on this. We will be on testing phase in 2,3 days.


    Admin 10-06-2019 14:31:54



    lets go ahead and build a test server and do some testing wiht.

    to see the BENEFITS. i think we will find multulpe beenfits - including maintenance will be very easy as well, as it will be only on server. but maybe more complicated to maintain.


    get teh ball rolling on this with one of the suitabele IT Executive.


    keep me updated on the task progress. this is background preparation mate, so it is important, because if you neglect this task, suddenly one day we will find ourselves under pressure facing new problems such as laptop shortage or xyz shortage.


    better to work on testing and planning now in PREPARATION. so that we are ready for any future issues.

    Steve 23-04-2019 16:54:16

    Hello Rob,

    I suggest the same thing. We will use a Desktop with Windows 2012 server and old/slow laptops will boot directly from that server from network.

    " We will need a powerful desktop with high configuration. We will install Thin Client server application on that desktop. Old/Slow laptops will connect to the server via network. "

    In that case old/Slow laptops wont need and HDD As those will boot directly to the 2012 server. Old/Slow laptops will require minimum RAM(128/256 MB) just to boot the laptop. They will use 2012 server RAM.

    Admin 12-04-2019 20:03:26

    is this case closed mate?


    is the only solution to use remote desktop using old laptops? or is it better to have a windows server 2012 SERVER for doing network boot from old laptops - same like institutions?

    Steve 08-04-2019 15:35:55

    Hello Rob,

    I have done my research on thin clients. Best options for Thin client is use any of the 3 software.




    VMWare is not free. So we will need to use crack version.

    Other 2 tools are open sourse that means free. So i would prefer use either OpenThinClient or Thinstation.

    We will need a powerful desktop with high configuration. We will install Thin Client server application on that desktop. Old/Slow laptops will connect to the server via network.

    I practically installed OpenThinClient on my Laptop and use my old laptop to connect to the server.

    Admin 05-04-2019 13:35:00

    ok, and this was the purpose of assigning this task mate, to do teh resarch and get back to me, but already 8 days over teh deadline and i have nothing really.


    i know i replied late, but i need you to give me what i need frist time around mate without killing time.


    i need you to maintain deadlines please.

    Steve 04-04-2019 22:50:12

    Hello Rob,

    Few tools i mentioned in my previous comment do exactly what you asked. There will be a Server/client architecture. Client(in this case slow laptops) can connect to server directly. Same as NComputing architecture.

    So thin Thin Client software
    VMWare / Network Boot
    Xen App/Xen Desktop
    Thin Station Software

    I will research more on this and get back to you.

    Admin 04-04-2019 22:35:01

    Hi Steve,


    i wasnt really referring to damaged laptops. i am referring to laptops currently in use that might be too slow.


    thin client isnt just RDP, it requires a server configuration on teh server side that allows the user to login to the server without logging into the actual laptop. and this is what i wanted you to investigate and work out.

    Steve 04-04-2019 21:34:35

    Hello Rob,

    As you already saw we are currently using some of our old laptops as thin client Via RDP.

    There are many other ways we can use old computers as thin clinets such as

    So thin Thin Client software
    VMWare / Network Boot
    Xen App/Xen Desktop
    WinCE Software
    Thin Station Software

    Some of the above technology doesnt require HDD and some technology requires HDD.

    In order to use old laptops as Thin client, essential part is that the old/damaged laptop must start. If a laptop doesnot start then we cant do anything.

    I already checked all the damaged laptops in our office. Shane, Howard and David checked all the laptops. But unfortunately all the damaged laptops we have doesnt start. All motherboards are dead. We checked all the laptops with multiple adapters to be sure. We only find 1 laptop ( Dell D400) which starts.

    But in future when any laptop become slow or its RAM/HDD got damaged, we will use these as thin client.