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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Send Cargo from Dubai to BD

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2019-04-07
Deadline:- 1930 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1930 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Shawn,


I need to send soem cargo from Dubai to Sylhet.


Contact cargo companies in Dubai and find out how to get this done, and how much it costs.


i need the cheapest deal that will go to sylhet.


they will want to know "what you want to send". tell them its Old computer montors, like 18 inch.


alwyas understand what the final cost is, incase they dotn mention anything about taxes and custom etc.

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Comments  (8)

    Admin 07-04-2019 13:30:50

    thansk shawn ill take it from here, although i needed a Dubai office and not abu dhabi which is very far from where i am.

    Shawn 05-04-2019 19:11:27

    Name: Al-Atiyah Cargo LLC

    Location: Al-Atiyah Cargo LLC, Abu Dhabi (in the main city, just behind the gold shops)

    Contact Number: +971 050 542 4686

    Rate per kilogram: AED15 or £3.12

    Additional Custom charge per monitor: AED131 or £27.4

    Additional information

    • The cargo will be delivered to Sylhet.
    • You have to do your own packaging.
    • This is one of the cheapest deal, and is popular among the Bangladeshi and Sylhety Residents.
    • The rates can be negotiated in their Abu Dhabi office.
    • You will have to provide an invoice (for the monitors) to the cargo office
    Shawn 05-04-2019 19:07:12

    My apologies for such a delayed submission. Since the first day, I have been running behind Shane, Steve and others fix the phone so that I can call Dubai. The phone is yet to be fixed. Finally, Ross helped me today by topping up a local phone, allowing me to call the necessary contacts. The details of the cargo processing is in the next comment

    Admin 05-04-2019 13:49:00

    whats going on shawn? 15 days over the deadline??


    you seem to be havin a mind of your own lately and not following my instrctions properly?


    when i assign a task mate, i give a reasonable deadline,and i need it done within that deadline. dont become a failure like other VA's have in the past.


    your owrking on critical stuff with me, they might be easy tasks or simple tasks, but they are critical stuff that i odnt have time for. you are supposed to save me time, not waste my time.

    Shawn 25-03-2019 16:13:55

    Sorry Rob, for not being able to provide you with the required information before the deadline. I collected a few contacts from some sources, but I was unable to contact those agents because of technical problems in our office phone server. I do have information that I collected from the internet, but I'd like to go over more options. Hopefully I'll have the the best option before this week ends (Steve is coming today, he may be able to resolve the technical issues).

    ok so if it goes to dhaka, let me know how it will reach us in sylhet. how to handle it etc.
    Hi Rob,
    I'd like to inform you that your requirement 'that will go to sylhet' will limit our options. Most cheap cargo services ship to Dhaka.
    I'm looking for it in the internet, and will also try to reach a few acquaintances in UAE.