Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Watsapp for TC

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2019-07-20
Deadline:- 2032 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 2032 Days Ago

Task Details :-

hi Joy,


For watsapp, i dont need to teach you mate, you can learn this yourself. watsapp is for NORMAL people. there is app called WATSAPP BUSINESS.
from here you can send your contacts updates about TC. you need to start usin this.


TEXT MEssaging is the best marketing tool, becasue 90% of user will open text message.


only 10-20% of user will open email.


So you can see text message is better. but it is expensive so we can now use watsaapp business for sending update bout seminar, event, new job etc.


Go ahead and start thsi and update me. include my number on the contacts as i want to receive these text messages as well.

Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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Comments  (22)

    Joyonta 21-07-2019 12:57:10

    Joyonta 21-07-2019 12:55:05

    Joyonta 21-07-2019 12:32:31

    We are not avoiding anything, right now. The all parts of TC  are functioning. We didn't pause anything. Every Sunday we did the whatsapp marketing. Last sunday(14/07/2019) we also did the whatsapp marketing. I have attached screenshots, Please have a look.

    Admin 18-07-2019 19:20:29

    i havetn not recevied any watsapp marketing message from TC yet.

    and it has been 126 days since i instructed this.


    i think you are avoiding this stuff right?

    Joyonta 09-06-2019 13:00:01

    I got it

    Admin 09-06-2019 11:11:42

    please ensure i am receiving the marketing messasges as well.

    and i want to see a summary of the message each time oyu are sending this.


    it is best you update this task wiht teh summary like this:


    Message Sent Today to: 10,000 people

    Message details:




    Joyonta 09-06-2019 10:27:03

    Yes, we are using whatsapp for TC.

    I added your number on TC whatsapp. Somehow your contact may be do not add to Whatsapp Group.

    Thank you for infroming this. I am looking on it. 

    Admin 08-06-2019 13:15:52

    hi Joy, can you confirm me that you are using this marketing method?


    i asked you to add my nmber to your list so that i can recevie the marketing message, but you didnt.


    so add my number: +44 754 3944 236

    Joyonta 10-04-2019 16:40:05

    ok. I have already set calendar reminder. The rest two will be done accordingly. 

    Admin 10-04-2019 12:33:54

    as discussed please ensure:


    1. you add all new registrations contact into watsapp every week. set a calendar remiinder.

    3. make groups daily for sending marketing information

    2. you send marketing information via watsapp using groups.




    this you need to discuss wiht alan and he can arrange something suitabel for you. please ensure it is resolved within few days for you.

    I am sorry to say to you. There is no android device available for TC. I can't perform it due to the lackings of android device.
    yes. I understand.

    are you using watsapp Business? this is hte correct watsapp to use for marketing for business.

    if we need to inform job seeker of something, we can send watsapp message!

    Today I have added 14500+ contacts successfully. Martine & Scott help me a lot to complete this task easily.

    Now I can use this app as My Marketing Tool.

    Thank You for your guidance.
    I learn the process of BULK ADDING NUMBERS to Android device from Sherwin. From tomorrow I will action it.
    Ok. I am submitting IT tickets for this help.
    adding few numbers daily is a stupid idea.

    there is more clever way of BULK ADDING NUMBERS to Android device.

    submit an IT tickets for this help.
    I can't add them at time but I can save few numbers everyday. And one day it will be completed.
    I think I should start it soon. At least I can pass the message to few of 14000 job seekers.
    but how can you start using watsapp to send messages if you dont ahve the numbers saved on the phone.

    how will you save 14,000 candidate numbers on your phone quickly?
    I want to inform you that TC has no android phone now. Our TC tab is also using by SI. I discussed Alan regarding this problem. And get a solution of this problem. TC will use this tab in the morning shift to perform the WhatsApp tasks. From next working day I will action this task. And inform you the updates here.