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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Weekend People IT Training

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2019-03-07
Deadline:- 1940 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1940 Days Ago

Task Details :-



as we discussed on watsapp, please arrange a training session for all weekend people for all shifts. 


i want to eliminate the IT problems on weekend, and the cmplaints from clients. 


2 things you need to include in this:


1. how to resolve the issue (teach them common issues)

2. what to say to teh client so taht the client doesnt think our IT system is bad.


this needs to be actioned asap please.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (3)

    Hello Rob,

    I arranged 2 meetings with all weekend guys. I explained everything to them. Explained what to say to the client when there is any issue in our office. Always respond to skype immediately, Do not submit IT ticket on weekend as there is no one to solve the issue, Call me or other IT executives immediately if there is any IT related issue, They need to use their 2nd account if primary computer have issues, Use both Wifi routers if 1 is down etc etc.

    i also arranged training session. Teach them basic stuffs ( connector issue, how to check switches, What to do if there is any IT related issues, how to switch from 1 ISP to another, how to ping a website to check internet is ok or not etc etc.

    Both Tina and Alan was there with me during the meeting.
    good idea to break the group down. we never do anythign in large groups anymore.
    Hello Rob,

    I already setup training sessions with Weekend guys. Total 17 guys working on weekend. As its not possible to train all 17 together so we breakdown into 2 group.

    I will train 1st group tonight at 9.30 pm.

    2nd group will be trained on tomorrow at 3 pm.