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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Sim internet for Aung client

Assigned To:
  1. Steve (
Assign By Admin On 2019-03-11
Deadline:- 1944 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1944 Days Ago

Task Details :-

hi Steve,


see the conversation below and implment this please. and of course update all teh managers as well since everyoen is overlooking this client work due to being 24hours. 


let me know the progres on this by updating this task with comments. 


regards.. Rob

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Comments  (9)

    hi Steve,

    the pocket router idea is good. BUT... this means everteonw ill share the same mobile connection adn that goes against our objective.
    4 people on 1 sim connection will be much slower than each person having own connection with own sim.

    i really dont want to take any risk with this client. i have failed badly in part taking risk with ex derrell client. i dont want to make same mistakes again.

    alan has otbtained 5 Robi sims on corporate. please take over from him and get these in action.

    FYI, Prolink ( black ) is $G router. Remaining 2 are 3G router.
    FYI, Prolink ( black ) is $G router. Remaining 2 are 3G router.


    Hello Rob,

    Chris provides us two 4g Grameenphone sim yesterday. Today i went to office, put 2 Sim's on 2 Android phones. I observe closely and we didn't face any issue. That means we can use mobile data to perform Aung's work (Wavepay, Cash in, Cash out).

    i checked data usage on android phones. Average 300 mb data is used per week. So each phone will require around 1.5 gb data per month.

    Now there are some issues we have to consider. As you know if mobile data is enabled, battery charge runs out very fast. Also phones become very hot if mobile data is enable for long time.

    last day i sent you a screenshot about pricing of mobile data. If you take a look at the screenshot, you will see that larger data packs are cheaper then small data packs. For example 1GB data pack cost is 190 tk, but 10GB data pack cost is 650 tk. ( If 1gb is 200 tk, then 10gb should be 2000 tk but as i said larger the data pack, cheaper the price).

    I have an idea which i think will be good for us. Instead of buying data packs for each phones individually, we can buy a 4g pocket WIFI router. We will need only 1 Sim which will be inserted on pocket router. After that we will buy a large data pack ( 10gb or 12gb). We are currently using 4 android phones for Aung's work. All Phones will be connected to pocket router via WIFI. This way mobile phone batteries will provide long time backup and phones won't get hot that much. Also it will be cost effective as we will buy large data packs.

    Also Aung asked for mobile data to be used in computers as well. With a pocket WIFI router, it will be easier for computers to connect to Pocket router and use mobile data.

    Another benefit we will get from Pocket WIFI router is that in case of emergency, other computers can use this as well. All our ISP's ( Bracnet, Nreach, Amber IT) are Fiber optic. It will be good for us if we have another ISP (grameenphone) with wireless connection. If fiber optic cable is cut then a wireless connection will be very helpful.

    Here is the link of a 4G pocket router. Cost will be around 4500 tk.

    This is 4G router. 3G routers are also available and cost is around 1200-1500 tk. But 4G speed is almost double then 3G. here are the 3G router link.

    hi steve,

    mobile hotspot will be used as a backup fro teh PCs as i know ti will be slower. the lcient thinks our net is slow because the stupid staff keep saying net problem excuse. which si actualyl false.

    mobile net is mainly for WAVE App. if it blocked other apps ill just inform client fo the problem.

    you need to see the CURRENT USAGE on their mobile device (net usage setting) to decide which package we need.
    Hello Rob,

    Last time when we discussed about Mobile internet costing, we were considering Mobile data just for weekends. Now as Aung asked for fulltime Mobile internet, so costing will change as well. Please check the attach screenshots which contains Mobile internet pack costing for Grameenphone.

    i prefer grameenphone because they are the largest provider in Bangladesh.

    Hello Rob,

    I saw the conversations between you 2. It will be easier for all of us if employee can use Mobile internet.

    But we tested this with Mobile internet. It didn't workout. We got blocked. I will try again with mobile internet. If we find that mobile internet is working fine then we will go on and implement this.

    Another thing. Client asked Mobile internet to be used in computers also with hotspot. This is not a good option. Because Mobile internet is not as fast as Fiber optic broadband in our country. Maybe Mobile internet is very fast in UK,USA or other countries but not in Bangladesh.