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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details


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Assign By Admin On 2019-03-01
Deadline:- 1951 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1951 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Shawn,


as you know you have the task of writing blogs. 1 each week. but i want to make this more structured by PLANNING the blogs in advance.


These are some sites who's blogs i like, and i feel have good blog writing topics. check these sites for blog ideas:


i need you to write a plan (similar to email series plan) for all teh blogs that you will write for 2019.

1 blog per week.


Here are some things to consider when deciding your blog title:

1. use numbers/stats in teh title: e.g. Top 5 ideas for....

3. Notice how in these blogs, after writing 2-3 generic blogs, they write a blog about their service. you follow the same system.

2. use teh idaes in the blogs above, and think how you can use that blog idea for OUR BUSINESS TYPE.


e.g. i see this blog title:

Facebook Ads Daily vs. Lifetime Budgets: Pros & Cons


I can write a blog "5 Ways to use a Virtual Employee for your Facebook PPC"


Let me know if you have any questions.



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Comments  (5)

    hi Rob. I'm attaching the series plan. it consists of 40 blog titles. let me know your feedback. Download
    hi Rob. in the series plan, i'm inserting the existing blog articles in the beginning.

    i wanted to know if I can use some of our mail contents from mailchimp for this blog series. some of them mails are quite informative and they can make a good blog. would that be ok?
    understood. Thank you
    dont forget the orignal concept. the blog will be used for posting onto LInkedIn, for sending as newsletter etc. remember?

    so its one piece of work that is used in different tools.
    hi Rob. the instructions are clear. thank you for easing up the work by keeping it to 1 blog per week.