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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

MVP Blog 2019

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2019-02-26
Deadline:- 1958 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1958 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Shawn,


Watch this video on how to use our new blog:


Here is the MVP blog page:


Here are the admin details to log into and post blogs



email -

pass - oscar1058 g9uj8jew



You need to copy all our blogs FROM the other blog site and post it here on our website.

If possible use the same dates as the orignal posts (might need to ask oscar to tweak this for you).


we will post all future blogs here now. directly on our website.


let me know if you have any questions or issues.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (14)

    ok everything is mostly fine.

    our posting style will have to change slightly - it wont be exactly same as the previous blog site - that was just my way of desigining things.

    the only major problem is :
    1. bullet points
    2. images

    the images you added were added as URLS - that are pointing to the original blog. so thats not possible for NEW blogs that you will post. so you need to discuss that with oscar.
    This is also the reason why teh image size is goign past the edge because its taking the original size from the URL. oscar can fix that issue by making the image responsive.

    so get these 2 things fixed.

    demonstration of me replicating from a blog.
    no no. demo me doing a blog post. i can see you successfuly posted one blog already with one one minor error with image at the top.

    i have demonstrated some of the issues in this video
    this seems to be the only problem. everythig else seems fine
    please check this. i have partially replicated a post to show you.
    ok Rob. i'm making one for you. allow me some time.
    post one blog and show me the issue. let me see if we can just make do.
    Hi Shawn,

    its good that you are telling me the deadline cannot be met. so thats fine, hadle it as soon as oscar fix the issue.
    hi Rob, just as I was beginning to start this task, I found there are some lack of functionalities (e.g. inserting images, text alignment, etc) in the panel that will prevent me to properly replicate the blogs. I spoke to Oscar about it, he said he needs some time to add/fix those functionalities.
    In short, this task will not be over by the deadline. Please pause the task/extend the deadline so that I can do it when the panel is ready to use.
    sure i understand you will only have 4 hours per day to work on stuff with me.
    hi Rob. i understand the task. however, as I have committed 4 hours of my time to the new client, I wont be able to start the task today. i'll get to it tomorrow.
    hi Rob. i understand the task. however, as I have committed 4 hours of my time to the new client, I wont be able to start the task today. i'll get to it tomorrow.