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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Flyer for Job Seeker

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2019-07-20
Deadline:- 1971 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1971 Days Ago

Task Details :-

HI Joy,


i also need your flyer design for candidates.




Task Current Status :-

Task Not Complete

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No Sub-task Added.

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Comments  (23)

    Joyonta 21-07-2019 11:02:13

    Jobseeker Flayer 3000 pis

    We will distribute the flayers through our Staff.

    We will distribure the flayers on face to face conversation with jobseekers & different events like- TC Training, TC Canpaign, Job fair etc

    Admin 18-07-2019 19:21:44

    how many peices do you need?

    and how will you distribute the flyers?

    and when will you distribute teh flyers?

    Joyonta 10-06-2019 18:02:24

    Hello Sir,

    I get the Budget of printing Flayer.  Here are the details-

    Quantity Price
    3000 Ps with 100g Art Paper(A4) 4500
    3000 Ps with 80g art paper (A4) 3800


    Joyonta 09-06-2019 16:55:54

    I am not wasting the time. As you know I was sick last week. After a week I attend office today. I am checking everything that has already done and taking action.

    For budget I need to show the leflet to PRESS. Price depands based on number of color. Today I just got the artwork. Tomorrow you will get budget also. 

    Admin 09-06-2019 16:15:50

    if you NEED this leaflet, then go ahead and take action qickly mate.

    adrian finished this artowrk long time ago. so you are just wasting time.


    for printing you didnt give me any quotations so i dont know what budget to provide you.

    Joyonta 09-06-2019 12:59:42

    Now I want to show it some people to taking their review. Then we will print out it and use it as a marketing tools. Cause if we print out it once then it will be costly for us to making any change.

    Admin 09-06-2019 11:12:19

    so what to do now?

    Joyonta 09-06-2019 10:10:40

    Yes, I got it from Adrian.

    Admin 08-06-2019 13:18:11

    is this finished mate? have oyu got professional editted version from Adrian?

    Ok. I am putting some contents about Benefit of TC in the leaflet and send back to you soon. But I have a question. Do I keep the structure of my proposed leaflet?
    so you cna see the front page and back page has teh BENEFIT of bikroy.

    so this is why i said ebfore your leaflet is not focusing on BENEFIT of TC.
    Explanation of Bikroy flayer front Page:
    I also prefer 3 parts folder flayers-
    It can guide job seekers/employers, how to use us or why they will use us.

    I record a video clip with my comment please have a look.
    what does teh front page say on thsi bikroy leaflet?
    Bikroy Flayers sample
    i think both of these are wrong mate.

    nobody will be interested in your leaflets. it will be time waste.

    look at both teh leaflets.... and aswer this.... WHY SHOULD SOMEONE CHECK YOUR LEAFLET? what will tehy benefit?

    tehre is no benefit for the candidate. they cannot realise teh benefit. they need to see the beenfit on first page.

    you dont need 2 leaflet, you need just one leaflet. 3 part folded leaflet is fine. but it must hsow candidaet BENEFIT on front page.
    I did not get any separate task for it. So I put it here. Hope you consider this.
    Sample Leaflet for job seekers
    According to my plan, we keep both Leaflet & Flayer for branding. The leaflet is dedicated for promotion and The Flyer for guiding jobseeker on how to use TC.

    This is not a final design. I just send it to you to give a idea of how it will be. If anyone in SI can design the flayer for us then please refer him.

    We will sit with him and develop the content again according to your suggestion. Let us know your suggestions.
    This leaflet is strange.

    this looks like leaflet an information leaflet. it has no advertising. no promotion.

    i dont think anyone will be interested in this leaflet.

    people need to see somethig interesting and sutiabel for them on front page. something that is benefit for them.
    i dont get it mate, i assigned this task few weeks ago. still you need more time.

    anwyas just get it done mate, you need this stuff. its for your project.
    I need more time to complete this task. I can complete it within this week.