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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Social Marketing to TC

Assigned To:
  1. (
Assign By Admin On 2019-04-07
Deadline:- 1958 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 1958 Days Ago

Task Details :-

HI Joy,


As we discussed in our marketing meeting today, social marketing will be handled by TC team directly. this will enable TC to do BIGGER social marketing.


you will hire 4 more interns for social marketing activities.

i will also guide you on the different technique and method you can use for successful social marketing.


to begin with, all your team members need to start doing social marketing each day. just little bit each day.


and start recruiting marketing interns for the social marketing work.


I would like to see the new batch of interns within February please.

Task Current Status :-

Task Complete

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Comments  (14)

    Admin 07-04-2019 11:48:30

    ok this is good. i am looking forwrad to seeing good results from interns.

    Joyonta 06-04-2019 17:34:15

    I have got 6 potential interns for our New Batch. They will join from 08/04/2019. Still now I need 4 more interns for my operation. I am trying with my level best to fill the batch.

    I have also made 2 FB IDs for this operation. Hopefully, before their joining date, I can make rest 2 FB IDs.




    ok go ahead and hire them AS FOR TC. no need to include SI name.



    I think interns should be hired by TC. If we do that then the brand value of TC will increase in the local universities.

    hi joy,

    Go ahead and hire a batch of 10 interns.

    you should select 12-15 candidates. because some canddiates will cancel on last minute.

    Also what company are these interns being hired for? SI or TC?

    what are they told? they are told internship at SI or internship at TC?

    I talked with our current intern batch. They do not agree to stay with us more. two of them leave us on 07 April and rest 3 leave us on 22 april.

    This time I need 10 interns for TC. I will recruit a new batch now. I informed steve to arrange the available seats for them. Please help me to hire a big batch.
    This week I will start to interview some candidates. But Before April they can't join.

    Our current batch will be with us until 22 April. I am also thinking to keep the current batch for more days, if they agree. Because Most batches are taking 2 weeks more to learn everything. It can save training time. Tomorrow I have a meeting with them. I will inform you of the updates tomorrow.
    any progress on extra batch of trainee? have you started interviewing candidates?
    ok so start recruiting for the new batch and give them intern job offer.

    if you want to hire 4 people give offer to 6 people
    if you want to hire 8 people give offer to 12 people

    because some peoeple will cancel. so better to give offer to 50% extra people.
    We can start a new batch April 2019
    ok so what date will you set for new intern batch?
    The semester mid-term/final examination will be held on March 19. In the period of the exam, the interns don't available. Anyway, we posted circulars for hiring interns urgently.