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HR Manager | Staff-India

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Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Task Details

Common Sense Training slide

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Assign By Admin On 2019-04-15
Deadline:- 2054 Days Over from Deadline. You Have Missed The Deadline 2054 Days Ago

Task Details :-

Hi Shawn,


As discussed verbally,  i need you to prepare a training presentation for Common sense training.

i cant find the file that i started some time back at the moment, but dont worry it didnt have much in the file.


the idea to to present different scenarios, and discuss the SOLUTIONS to the scenarios during the training sesssion. and decide what is the best solution to use based on common sense.


E.g. you need to add a video about staff india client satisfaction in an email. What should you do?


regards.. Rob

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Comments  (3)

    Shawn 15-04-2019 15:15:17

    thank you for the suggestions Rob. i will work on it once i'm done preparing the training contents for bench people.

    Admin 13-04-2019 13:05:36

    hi shawn,


    this is a good intro section but its very theoretical. i can assure you people will learn noting from this.

    so consider this an opening to the course


    NOW you need to add more slides as teh MEAT of the course. which is :


    1. show a slide decsribing a scenario or situation. it could be a text or picture or vidoe

    2. discuss the common sense solution for this scenario.i.e. what should you do in this stuation

    3. explore teh ideas people have in a disucssion and THEN show the right solution in the next slide.

    4. the scenarios should be business related and closely related to SI.

    5. include about 10 differnt scenerio cases.

    6. lastly, we will create an online exam with 10 different scenarios. user will have multiple choice questions to chosoe the right common sense solution. this wil help us test who has learnt something.

    a training slide has been prepared. its title is 'Be More Proactive'. the focus is to teach them theoretical knowledge on pro activeness so that they get inspired to solve day-to-day problems by themselves. waiting for your feedback Download