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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

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Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Notice Details

Voluntary Charity Contribution Scheme

2016-04-27 || Published By Admin

Details :-

Hi Everyone,

It has been quite some time I have not made an announcement.
I have a wonderful new idea to share with you all, and I am VERY EXCITED!

I am a big fan of giving Charity. I am a fan because I like helping people, where possible I try to share things with people and support people. If the almighty has kept me well from bad times, then I feel I have a duty to try and help others too, as I know what a ‘bad time in life’ is like.

Charity is not just for people who have lots of money, its also for people who have little money as well.

So I would like to introduce the Voluntary Charity Contribution Scheme for all employees
We have a lot of employees here, and I hope it will continue to grow into more people. This gives us power….power to do good.
Alone we can make a small influence in life by charity… but together we can make a bigger influence in life by charity. Together we can raise more money Together we can all work on charity stuff Together we can help more people.
I would like to ENCOURAGE all employees to join this Voluntary Zakat Contribution Scheme.
By joining this scheme you will give permission to the company to keep 2.5% of your salary at the end of each month, to contribute towards charity. It is a very small amount, but if we all join the scheme then it will become a larger amount.
We have about 90 people in the office. Suppose everyone earns 10,000 per month. Meaning each person will contribute 250 taka per month. 250 taka x 90 = 22,500 taka So you can see we can make a big amount together by contributing a very small amount per month.
But…. This will be voluntary and confidential. Nobody is obliged to do it, and I don’t want people who don’t want to be part of the scheme to feel uncomfortable. Nobody needs to know who has joined the scheme and who has not.
We can use the money for different charitable purposes and keep everyone in the company informed about it. So that people can see the good things we are doing with their little contributions.
Thank you all in advance for your kind support in this noble initiative.


Keypoint :-

This will be voluntary and confidential. Nobody is obliged to do it, and I don’t want people who don’t want to be part of the scheme to feel uncomfortable.

Nobody needs to know who has joined the scheme and who has not.