Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 69

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 73

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

HR Manager | Staff-India

Notice: Undefined index: user_id in /home/staffi7/ on line 5

Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/staffi7/ on line 9

Error: Could not retrieve Internal Task details.

Notice Details

Team Leader Responsibilities

2014-11-06 13:03:07 || Published By Admin

Details :-

You all need to support your Team Leader and work with your Team Leader. You need to listen but also help make the team better. Maybe you have a good suggestion for your team? So speak to your team leader.


Keypoint :-

Hi Everyone,

Here is a list of your Team Leader duties.

1. You need to monitor attendance and ensure all team members are punctual everyday.

2. You need to check that your team members have signed the attendance

register. If not you need to follow up with them to ensure they are following the right procedure.

3. If a team member is absent you need to follow this up within 30 minutes of the shift start to find out why and when they will be back at work.

4. Everyone is required to come into the office 45 minutes early compulsory, on Tues, Wed, Thurs every week. You need to ensure your team members are coming in early and doing the training.

5. You must ensure your team members talk in English only. And you most important must talk in English so that your team members get confidence from you.

6. You should know exactly what your team member is working on. Their role. Their client name. Their client contact details.

7. If you team member is absent, then his/her colleague working with him/her must send an email to the client to inform them of this.

8. If the team member is absent and he/she has no other colleague on the same client, then you need to email the client to inform them.

9. You will keep records of your team members annual leave taken.

10. You will support and guide your team members on new tasks when they need help. This will ensure that a client or managers time is used less as you are providing that additional support to explain and ensure your team members has understood a task correctly.

11. You will check your team mates equipment, ensure they are maintaining their equipment and check that everything remains in the office.

12. You will help train your team mates, especially newcomers so that they can start producing results very quickly, and they can do the work correctly.